
Man Tells Wife To Act “More Like A Proper Woman”, She Tells Her He’s Too Broke To Give Her Instructions

  • By Malaika
  • 8 months ago
  • 4 minutes read
Proper Wife

Everyone is free to live their lives however they want.

In a world full of different beliefs, values, and lifestyles, the concept of personal freedom and autonomy is critical. The notion that everyone has the right to live their lives as they see fit is a fundamental component of human rights and individual liberty. While this is a lovely concept in theory, it can be difficult to put into practice. Because allowing one person to live freely and express their opinions often prevents others from doing the same. As a result, striking the right balance can be challenging.

That is why basic human laws exist to ensure that everyone is treated equally, regardless of gender, race, or orientation. I understand that many people still prefer the old ways of doing things, which means they want a ‘traditional’ family in which the woman does all of the household chores while the man works. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this, as long as both partners want the same thing. However, forcing your ideology on our partner is unacceptable.

Scroll down to see one husband who tried to do just that.

Source: Reddit

What can even be considered ‘traditional’ family values?

Source: RDNE Stock Project (Not The Actual Picture)

Not everyone even has the luxury of asking for a traditional wife.

OP’s husband apparently comes from a home where ‘traditional’ family values were instilled in him, so he has had to work to unlearn them.

While he is a great husband and father, he sometimes falls back into old habits since he wants approval from his family.

OP and her husband have a system in place, and they both chip in when it comes to chores so that everything gets done in a timely manner.

OP’s in-laws, on the other hand, don’t appreciate the fact that OP expects their son to do equal work, but she was clear right from the start that they had no say in the matter.

Via Reddit

OP also acts however the in-laws want when she is a guest at their house, but she expects them to respect her wishes at her own home.

One day after work, OP came home and found that nothing was done, and her mother-in-law chastised her for not acting like a proper woman.

OP’s husband was acting like a coward and hid behind his mother’s words until he finally said that tradition was tradition for a reason.

This is when OP had enough and told him that his salary alone wouldn’t be enough to support his family, so how can she act like a ‘traditional’ wife?

Via Reddit

I know several women who want to be traditional wives and stay at home, which is perfectly acceptable. Someone who has to work and earn money cannot come home every day and do all of the household chores. That is why marriage is about compromise and equal partnership, rather than one person shouldering all of the responsibilities. I don’t see anything wrong with the OP stating the facts. If he wants a wife who stays at home and does everything, he must earn significantly more than he does.

I wish the kids didn’t have to hear it.

OP gave him many chances to support her, but he was a coward.

OP wasn’t lying when she said it either.

He shamed OP, so he just got a taste of his own medicine.

Some people never learn.

Via Reddit

From the information we have, I don’t think she does.

He needs to learn how to be better.

He should have expected it.

He needs to learn how to stand up to his parents.

He is just a mama’s boy and nothing else.

Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on the husband’s actions? Has your partner ever acted this way? If so, how did you handle the situation? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in and share their own similar experiences.

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