
10+ Wholesome Animal Posts That Will Brighten Up The Day

  • By Admin
  • November 14, 2020
  • 7 minutes read

With how 2020 has been going on, odds are, you need a pick-me-up. Something that you can do to improve your day, and while I suggest something productive that you can look back on and see as an achievement, that can be exhausting. So instead, we offer something easier, and something that is arguably far more invigorating. Looking at pictures of animals on the internet. There’s something about it that’s just so pure and fulfilling, that you can’t help appreciating it.

With the advent of all the things you can do with the internet, it’s no surprise that we’ve decided to simply flood it with cute pictures. The simple joy one gets from seeing cute animals do cute animal things is what makes going through your socials or exploring blogs so satisfying. It doesn’t need to be something as grand or as exciting as things other people would prefer because those things take time. It’s the difference between going to sleep or drinking coffee. Both give you energy, but one is instant. And everyone loves coffee.

#1 Ducks

via: ivereadthings

“Every year this mama duck brings her babies to my house and I help her take care of them. This morning I opened my door to 13 new peeping fluff balls…”

#2 Leafy bird

via: hijadelbosquepy

“A beautiful hummingbird’s nest with a leaf roof.”

#3 Nail and diamond

via: Tweetystraw

“A friend nursed an injured crow back to health after it got trapped in her French Quarter courtyard.”

#4 Bird on bench

via: ricardocoatez

“This little dude and I have had breakfast/lunch together everyday for the last 4 weeks. Always bringing him something to eat and he just sits next to me for the entire break at work.”

#5 Sleeping baby deer

via: 668neighborOFTHEbeast

“Nice old next door lady left this note at my parent’s front door.”

#6 Baby quokkas

via: cruzysuzy

“Quokkas are the face of happiness.”

#7 Picture day

via: OceanGoingSoul


#8 Bear party

via: nightforday

“Winter, when the leaves have fallen and the trees are bear…”

#9 Big hippo

via: tomotomotomomo

“Big Derp. Huge.”

#10 Dogs

via: jesseneon

“Deal with the devil.”

#11 Hugging capybara

via: Daneb92

“Here’s my favorite picture of me with a snuggly capybara.”

#12 Happy seal

via: apextek

“The look on that seal’s face.”

#13 Cow the gardener

via: ryetanphotos

“Let’s take a moment to appreciate this lovely cow.”

#14 Synchronized

via: Celgazer

#15 Carrot ammo

“Norwegian Police.”

#16 Frog gets a new home

via: Lancastrian34

“The reason water wasn’t coming out.”

#17 Pocket hamster

via: _MTAnderson

” I post this old Christmas photo because I just noticed my pocket square is my sister’s hamster…”

#18 Iguana bombing

via: roadlesstraveled11

“I was photobombed by an iguana while in Puerto Rico…”

#19 Eyes on the road

via: rick_the_hedgehog

“Safety First”

#20 Didn’t see it at first

via: Realhumanbeing3

“The way my chameleon hides on my military backpack…”

#21 I am what you are looking for

via: Geir Arne Vian

“Look, it’s me…”

#22 Happy lioness

via: odekakena_ko

“A very polite lioness. I imagine her saying, “Why, thank you for the compliment!”

#23 Bear wants to be a bird

via: ratwhale86

“That’s a weird looking bird…”

#24 Bird angels

via: Louiie

“Looks like this pigeon has a pretty intense phone call…”

#25 The Proposal

via: xar42

“My sister accidentally caught this Pikes Peak proposal on camera…”

#26 The Crown

via: Hi_spec_

“She’s wearing her crown…”

#27 Eating Grass

via: dobbyisafreepup

“Fluffiest Cow.”

#28 Snake wants to help

via: Toyya

“This little man made himself at home while I cleaned his enclosure. He didn’t want to let go when I was finished, I guess he enjoyed my warmth…”

#29 It was a left, not a right.

via: Kathryn White Photography

“They got photobombed by raccoons on their wedding photo shoot…”

#30 Owl Party

via: mrsdrpeepo

“Pool Party.”

#31 Twin Raccoons

via: C9_Sanguine

“These two “Students” startled me on campus, but then adopted this position to let me know they were sorry…”

#32 Panda

“No talk with me I’m angy…”

#33 Horses

“Who knows, maybe she’s barn with it…”

#34 Gotta get in shape

via: ybromero

“A friend’s chicken needs a hairband for its Chicken-Fro…”

#35 I like your chin

via: hellofreemanfarm

“It’s gonna be a looong car ride…”

#36 Gotta relax after long day of work

via: ZekouCafe

“I’m volunteering in a bear refuge in Croatia and I thought like sharing this photo of a chillaxing lad with you guys…”

#37 Painting Expert

via: mariannabe

“Quarantine, Day 14. Me and my boyfriend spent the whole day setting up an art gallery for our gerbil..”

#38 Loved the movie too

via: Morty_Im_A_Pickle

“My cousin’s hamster after eating a ton of popcorn…”

#39 Borderline Creepy

via: veptavis

“Horse Lady…”

#40 Give me the Goods

via: JohanKaramazov

“I came home last night to find this thief just standing there menacingly…”

#41 King of Frogs

via: Camfifty5

“My brother and I have pet frogs and they don’t mind if you put stuff on them so we 3D printed little hats…”

#42 Looking for food

via: hellofreemanfarm

“Little Helpers”

#43 It is comfier

via: FuriousPiles

“Well, nice and tidy…”

#44 The stingray wants to help

via: TastyTurtleDick

“The stingray photobomb…”

#45 Spongebob where are you?

via: Babyshoujo

“Patrick, is that you?”

#46 Flocking shrimps

via: Dypsis_lutescens

“I think I accidentally walked into some kind of shrimp ritual…”

#47 Say cheese

via: crankyT27

“My aunt works for a vet and this guy was booked in for a check-up…”

#48 A bit too thirsty

via: doge_universe

“I have no shame…”

#49 I am the potato

via: MedicalChalupa

“Let him wander around the house. Thought I lost him but he was next to the potatoes…”

#50  This is my bestie

via: crevicedwelling

“Best friends forever…”

What did you think? Tell us down in the comments below!

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