Is this sentiment really that hard to understand? I would think that just being a decent human being and treating everyone with respect would ensure that you don’t make anyone around you uncomfortable. However, some people don’t get the memo and they insist on hitting on a person who is clearly not interested. And no matter what you say, being drunk is not an excuse to act inappropriately. Because if you know you can’t ‘control yourself’ when you get drunk, then don’t drink so much, it really is as simple as that.
Although, this particular guy just wouldn’t leave this girl alone who wanted nothing to do with him and it was pretty clear from her facial expression and her body language. And the Tik Tok star Brandon Robert noticed that as he had been standing close as this interaction was happening. So he intervened when he couldn’t take it any longer.
Source: Instagram
@thebrandonrobertShe was so thankful 🥺🥺
What drew my attention was other people watching this girl talking to this guy. My first impression of the girl was that she was very fearful. She was a smaller girl and the man that was harassing her was much bigger. She seemed very uncomfortable.
You could see the man was clearly under the influence and just by looking at the girl’s face you could tell she was terribly uncomfortable. After I pretended to know the girl I walked her out of the shop we were in and then walked her out to the car in case he decided to follow. – Tik Tok
Have you ever been in a similar situation? If so, did someone try to help you, or were you on the other side? Let us know your experiences in the comments down below.