But there isn’t. perhaps I am being harsh. Most people aren’t per se stupid. However, they don’t really care about the rules or decency of society. They just want to do whatever it is their mind tells us without thinking of the repercussions.
And then there are the entitled ones who get angry at the first sign of a no. After all, how dare they stop us from doing something that will hurt us? We are going to do that exact thing because why not?
You’ll understand what I am talking about once you take a look below.
Source: Reddit
I mean is it like a compulsion? That humans have to do something that they know will get them in trouble?
The most hilarious thing is that even a kid knows why they shouldn’t touch a stingray. If only adults were as smart as kids sometimes.
Do you know of any other jobs that you think wouldn’t exist if people weren’t so stupid? Comment down below and let us know.