
Technically Correct Exam Answers That Deserve an A+ for Humor

Some children are simply not suited for taking academic assessments. However, failing a pop quiz doesn’t always imply that a child isn’t intelligent. In reality, a particular form of “technically accurate” incorrect response frequently serves as a sign of a child’s intelligence. We’ve gathered a tonne of hilarious instances of poor exam performance that, in our opinion, still merit an “A” for humorous brilliance. Or at the very least, a few sympathy points. Scroll down till the end to see how these entertaining answers make you laugh. We bet you would not get disappointed.

1. Task successfully failed.

2. This kid is a genius.

3. At least the instructor awarded points for creativity.

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4. Covering their bases.

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5. Some teachers have no sense of humor.

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6. I’m in love with the kid’s thoughts

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7. The child is telling the truth.

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8. What great thinking!

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9. Yay Answer, you got this!

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10. This youngster can deftly spell “the.”

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11. Someone please get him a scholarship

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12. I could not stop laughing after reading point number 3

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13. I don’t understand how a child can be brainy

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14. Hilarious

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15. Wasn’t expecting this but yeah okay

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16. But you told him that it can as simple as he wants

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17. That student is really giving the teacher reality checks

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18. He preferred pictorial representation instead of writing it

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19. “I don’t want to talk about it so I prefer staying silent.”

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20. Excellent

21. Wow

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22. This is a logical answer no one can argue on

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What are your thoughts on these hilarious answers by students/ I love the fact that children can be brutally honest sometimes and can make you laugh at different situations? We do not see things their way but many times, their perception is right. Have you ever experienced something similar? Tell us in the comment section down below. If you want more such articles to be coming your way, keep visiting us and stay tuned.

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