
24 Stories Of Heroes Who Saved Women From Creepy Men

  • By Sana
  • August 9, 2022
  • 4 minutes read

If you ever notice a woman getting harassed or followed by a creepy man, make sure to help her get out of the unpleasant situation.

No doubt the world is full of creepy men but that does not mean we do not have good men. Such men are heroes who protect other women and who look out for other women. Such people deserve to be appreciated publicly. A Twitter user shared how a bartender saved her from a creepy patron when she was in a restaurant. Other women and men joined too and shared how they protected other women or how they were protected by some heroes. Today, we have 24 stories of heroes who saved women from creepy men. Scroll down to read these stories.

1. This bartender saved her life:

Via: guttersniper

2. This door guy knows how to be a door guy:

Via @guttersniper

3. The bartender knew something was wrong with the drink:

Via @guttersniper

4. The best thing we have ever seen. We wish all bars start doing this:

Via @guttersniper

5. A guy kept leering at this lady and the cashier helped her out.

Via @guttersniper

6. There was a windowless white box van waiting outside with the door open to kidnap the girl.

Via @guttersniper

7. A 50-year-old man came with a young girl to a restaurant.

Via @guttersniper

8. The man came to the counter and started messing with the drinks.

Via @guttersniper

9. The bartender told him that their system is down and they would only accept cash.

Via @guttersniper

10. The restaurant owner gave the girl a ride.

Via @guttersniper

11. A guy at Walmart kept following the lady and her daughter. The Walmart guy helped her get to the car safely.

Via @guttersniper

12. The guy who asked to serve doubles to the girl:

Via @guttersniper

If you are a woman and you feel like someone is following you, get help from someone. And if you ever see someone getting followed, make sure to go and protect that lady. This is the time that we protect our women from all the creepy women out there.

13. This bartender was written up for trying to save a woman:

Via @guttersniper

14. The 16 year old hero:

Via @guttersniper

15. This girl saved a 17 year old girl who was intoxicated:

Via @guttersniper

16. “I don’t let strange men sit by girls”

Via @guttersniper

17. Our favorite kind of men are the ones who watch out for all women.

Via @guttersniper

18. The Uber hero who made sure the woman gets home:

Via @guttersniper

19. The friendly truck drivers who saved the 16 year old girl:

Via @guttersniper

20. This is what you are supposed to do when you see a girl getting harassed:

Via @guttersniper

21. This girl was smart though:

Via @guttersniper

22. This trucker saved the girl from the guy who was following her:

Via @guttersniper

23. A woman saved another woman:

Via @guttersniper

24. Bartenders are the real heroes:

Via @guttersniper

Would you help if you ever find a woman in need? If you have ever rescued a woman, do share your experience with us in the comment section down below!

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