
Server Shares Story Of How She Defeats Salty Customer With Theatrical Kindness

  • By Hashir
  • June 5, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

Why do people act as the whole world revolves around them?

One of the worst things anyone can do is to have complete disregard for everyone around and act as if they’re entitled to special treatment. These kind of people are total snobs and love picking unnecessary fights with others. As to why they exhibit this behavior varies from person to person. Maybe they’re frustrated and take their anger out on the wrong people? Or, maybe they have had some traumatic experiences in the past which have made them inconsiderate towards other people because they feel like showing compassion is weakness? It’s possible they feel insecure and so they have adopted this “ruthless” persona as a coping mechanism? Or, maybe it’s just because they are as*holes in general as there is really no justification for bad behavior without reason.

However, regardless of what case it may be, no one has the right to mistreat anyone in any situation. But some people just have a thick brain. These self-centred manipulators just want some attention and drama. Just like this customer at the restaurant. 

Credits: u/bad_thrower

Try enjoying what you do, you’ll never hate your job.

Here comes Karen!

When life gives you lemons, you squeeze em’ in Karen’s ice tea.

It’s sad how it’s always the innocent ones who have to face these kinds of things. I mean, the waitress didn’t do anything to deserve this mistreatment. Instead, she was being as polite as anyone could possibly be. Yet, she treated her badly. But don’t feel bad guys. What the waitress did in return is totally priceless. She corrected her ill behavior in such a subtle way that it’s almost hilarious. She gave Karen the taste of her own medicine but in a rather sugar-coated way.

This is what a human version of a headache is like.

It wasn’t long before the server figured out how to deal with her. 

She used reverse psychology and I have got to say it actually worked.

Take notes, everyone. This is how you deal with a Karen.

Have you ever encountered someone like this who lashes out at everyone for no reason? Share your experience in the comments below and tell us how you managed it. We can all learn from each other. If this was helpful to you and you know someone who needs to hear it, do share it with them.  

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