Tips are a huge source of income for waiters and servers. It’s only fair if we tip them 10-15% of the total bill as they barely make the minimum wage. If your waiter was nice and courteous, you should always tip them however much you can. It can make someone’s day. 10% of the total bill won’t be a huge amount to you but it can mean a lot to the server.
However, you can’t give poor service and expect a tip in return. You are just being self-entitled that way. You will only receive a tip if you really earned it. Hard work often pays off well. Just giving sh*tty service and later whining about not getting a tip will get you nowhere. Just like this server who demanded a tip from a customer after giving really pathetic service. He was taught a lesson quite well. Read the whole story below:
If that had ever happened to me, I would have just left without a tip. I don’t owe anyone a single penny if they can’t learn to do their job well. This man was way nicer than he should’ve been.
What did you think of this story? Did the server get what he deserved? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!