
Wife Asks If She Is In The Wrong For Refusing To Babysit Her Sister-In-Law’s Children For A Whole Month


Babysitting means taking responsibility for someone else’s life, which is no small task. Caring for kids can be exhausting and frustrating. Before entrusting their children to someone, parents should carefully consider all possible scenarios. A good babysitter needs to be prepared and knowledgeable about handling various situations. Most important, the babysitter must be willing to babysit.

Parents can’t just ask anyone to babysit; they need someone who genuinely understands and is good with kids. Their children’s well-being should always come first. This is the dilemma faced by Reddit user Various_Tailor1764. Her husband volunteered for her to babysit his sister’s kids for a whole month while the sister recovers from surgery. He even covered the surgery expenses and offered his wife’s help without her consent.

Feeling unprepared and unsure about handling kids, she turned to the Reddit community for advice, asking if she was wrong for refusing.

Scroll down below to read how the Reddit community responded.

Source: Reddit

OP knocked on the doors of the AITA community to ask if she was wrong for refusing to babysit her SIL’s kids.

1. He sounds like Elvis Presley’s manager.

Via qumayo123

2. Primarily, it should be the husband’s job to care for those kids, not OP’s.

Via Merlinia

3. You can’t just take on such a big responsibility just because your husband wants you to do so.

Via Feeling-Chemist-9394

4. The responsibility must be equally divided.

Via Afraid-Toe3013

5. He can easily hire a babysitter. Surgeries are not cheap so we know he can afford it.

Via rangerman2002

6. As simple as that.

Via alpy99

7. I don’t think this family understands the meaning of “consent” or “approval”.

Via notsowise_nz

8. Yeah, why isn’t SIL’s husband looking after the kids?

Via HoldFastO2

9. A big no!

Via Reddit

10. The husband is free to move in with those guys to look after their kids.

Via Mishy162

Entitlement shows itself in all sorts of shapes and forms. I don’t think OP’s husband realized we don’t live in the old times now, and that wives can say “no” too. Babysitting is a huge task, let alone doing it for a whole month. OP would’ve had to sideline so many of her own tasks and responsibilities just to look after those kids. It’s like a whole change to the calendar.

As long as OP refuses, no one can make her babysit those kids. It is what it is. They can all call her an AH, but we all know she is NTA!

11. Who you want to babysit depends on so many factors you need not tell anyone. Babysitting someone in the past doesn’t mean you will babysit someone in the future.

Via ValkyrieofMercy

12. There is no need to add one more responsibility to the pile that is already so big.

Via KnightofForestsWild

13. He volunteered on her behalf…for her…please try to make sense of that.

Via teresajs

14. Stay firm OP, they can’t do anything.

Via Mastearchy

15. Can he be truly called your husband if he does such a thing?

Via indignant-loris

16. This makes me want to know more. Why isn’t SIL’s husband getting involved?

Via clearlyawesome1

17. Perhaps, OP needs to reconsider some life choices after this episode.

Via MoistUniversities

18. If your husband can book your calendar for a month without asking you, I think OP can do such a thing for a whole year if you ask me…because it is her calendar.

Via Catatomical

19. Don’t let it happen, OP. The misery will last forever.

Via Melzilla79

20. You have no idea about this decision…so just sit quietly and refuse the day they come to drop the kids off.


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Via @doggos.247

Dog tax.

“Every day she leaves her house by herself and takes the bus to the dog park. She even has her own bus pass attached to her collar.”

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