
10+ Photos Of Bulldogs That Prove Life Is Never Boring With Them

  • By Hashir
  • May 18, 2020
  • 5 minutes read

We can’t help but fall in love with Bulldogs.

There are a hundred good reasons to love these strong and goofy dogs. But, historically speaking, these English Bulldogs were bred to fight bulls. Long ago, bulldogs were used in a blood sport in England called bull-baiting. They were specially bred for that purpose. With time, however, the gruesome sport was completely banned. But, that caused more trouble as people didn’t see any use for them anymore and they nearly faced extinction. However, people who grew fond of bulldogs continued to breed them, and today we have them almost everywhere in the world.

The bulldogs today make great pets as they are very different than how they used to be before. They are very friendly and playful doggos just like the others. They easily adapt to apartment living which makes them a great choice for first-time dog owners. People all over the world love them. Especially, in Britain.

Also, let’s not forget they are really funny too! Their silly facial expressions easily make people laugh, and they’re just overall very fun to be around. We have compiled some bulldog posts for you below that show just how entertaining and fun life is when they are around. Scroll down and enjoy!

“Grandma got a French bulldog puppy. This is how he sits.”


When there’s another bulldog in the house so you must assert dominance.


“I wouldn’t let her have a Cheeto.”


Bugsy says, “Wake me up when this is all over please!”


He protecc, he attacc, but most importantly he need another snacc!


“We also got a new kitty, except our dog likes to lay on him.”


“How they sleep after a camping trip.”


“Me and Dillon chilling.”


“Look at me!”


Pup mastered the “star fish” at a young age.


“Tank is a happy boi on easter.”


“My friend’s French bulldog puppy is quite photogenic.”


A long day ahead. Must rest.


“When start to resemble their owners.”


Talk later hooman. It’s nap time.

Bulldogs are easily distinguished by their big head, wrinkly skin, and muscular body. Though these bulldogs were initially bred for a cruel purpose, they are today one of the friendliest dog breeds ever. They are especially good with children and are very protective of their owners. However, they get a bit too excited when it’s time to eat, so it’s best to not have kids around them when they’re having lunch/dinner. Overall, they have a very good temperament. They are highly energetic and also muscular which makes them a great choice for guard dogs. They are also very low-maintenance dogs as they don’t shed that much and only require brushing once a week.

“Sophie turns 9 today. 9 years of judgment and sass right here!”


“How can you honestly say no to a face like that ?”


“Thanksgiving came early.”


“Duncan got attacked by another dog. Now he’s depressed. Y I can’t make friends?”


“Tuna, you majestic beast.”


“Tugboat can sleep anywhere — what’s your magic skill?”


“Playing in the snow.”


“Omg, they love me so much! They threw a party just for me.”


“Why won’t my pillow stop snoring?!”


“Beefcake posing. Kisses anyone?”

“What? Do I have something on my face?”


“All hail queen toofers.”


“When you’re so tired that you pass out however you land.”


“Are you ready to play with me?”


Draw me like one of your french girls!


Now, when are you getting a bulldog? Let us know in the comments below.

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