
New Management Team Mistakenly Fires The Company’s Best Employee And It Backfires And Managers Get Demoted


Letting go of an employee, especially a long-time one, is one of the toughest tasks for a manager. It’s a challenging and uncomfortable decision that many leaders prefer to avoid to keep the workplace peaceful. And those who make such a decision out of ego, end up terribly regretting it.

A perfect example of this is a story shared on the popular r/ProRevenge. It is the tale of an experienced engineer who was a crucial part of his team, delivering great results, training colleagues, and ensuring smooth operations.

However, when new owners took over the company, they decided to make changes that unsettled many, including the key engineer. The situation escalated until the new managers fired him at the first opportunity, only to realize their mistake and ask him to return just a few days later.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

Source: Reddit

1. Let’s jump into some delicious pro-revenge.

2. The story is about OP’s friend’s dad, set 19 years ago in Sweden.

3. The dad was an extremely experienced mechanical engineer.

4. The skills he acquired would have taken multiple people or a lot of money to replicate, and still not had the same effect.

5. He was a very straightforward guy, not hesitating to point out errors, and would encourage others to do the same.

6. The dad also had a side business that he had gotten approval from his manager to pursue.

7. He was a well-paid engineer who was respected, worked hard for the money, and received many awards over the years for his incredible performance.

I think we have just found “the perfect employee.”.

8. Then the new owners came in, and everything changed.

9. The new management wanted workers to work overtime but without the extra pay, and induced a culture he showed open dislike for.

10. They would force him to work overtime, but he would always refuse, saying he was on time with all his projects and had zero lag.

11. They managed to force him into their cheering and clapping culture by making it a mandatory practice.

12. The dad knew everything would soon topple and was prepared for it.

13. One day they found OP using his work laptop to respond to one of his side business emails, which was reason enough for them to fire him on the spot. OP asked if they were sure, and the management seemed certain.

14. Immediately after being escorted out of the building, OP contacted the union representative and got his firing reserved, and the matter was taken to the labor board.

15. The company’s IT and break policy put OP in the clear. The firing was illegal.

16. Things didn’t stop there. The dad engaged with his lawyer to file a crease and desist on two patents that he held over the assistive products being used by the company.

OP is playing this out so beautifully, as if he came from the future. He knew he was never going to conform to their norms, and firing was inevitable. However, the way they fired OP was like a bonus to him; it was illegal. They were desperate to fire him and didn’t think this through.

Not only can they get in a lot of legal trouble, but they also just fired their best employee since inception, so the company may turn into dust in no time. Let’s see what happens next.

Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: Reddit

17. With everything in place, the dad went home for some vacation and to focus on his side business.

18. He also had two job offers from competitors, which he declined and instead offered them to consult with his business.

19. As soon as OP left, the company started to crumble and his colleagues started approaching him for advice.

20. OP was approached by many, including the management that fired him. He declined any information or updates on his life.

21. When HR called him, saying the firing was a mistake to rehire the dad, he conditioned consulting at six times the hourly wage.

22. A few days later, they accepted, and OP was back at his work desk, making six times more.

23. Before the labor board, the management said they made the right decision with the firing but were willing to rehire the dad out of goodwill.

24. OP ended up winning the case and getting all the damages built up until the decision.

25. The dad ended up working there till retirement. Had a swift career.

26. The managers were moved away from the department, and OP ended up finalizing a very fruitful deal from all that happened.

27. Another obstacle cleared, one less thing to worry about.

Source: Reddit

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

28. It kept coming in, one goodness after the other.

Via chickachickabowbow

29. The clapping part felt so cringe just by reading it, imagine actually doing it.

Via Redditor

30. Not exercises, but a waste of quality time.

Via Starfury_42

31. Giving them a better taste of their own medicine. Beautiful!

Via R50cent

32. What fun do they find in learning it the harder way…all the time!

Via Ladyehonna

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Playster845

Dog tax.

“This little guy looks like a young Scooby Doo.”

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