3. “I was just lying here.”
4. “Assert dominance over humanity.”
5. “I was wondering why my succulents were dying…”
6. “Do you like my new hat?”
7. “Nope, it wasn’t me.”
8. “My boyfriend was wondering why his room was so cold.”
9. “No more playing.”
10. “He stole the baby’s pacifier. I’m not mad at all.”
Look at these little devils! Their shenanigans know no end. They are so proud of their mischeifs. No matter how much you shame your pets for the things they do, nothing can stop them. They will gladly do it all over again. Scroll below for the rest:
11. Blind in one eye.
12. He chewed off the last few words of the last 5 pages, the ones his owner didn’t read.
13. “It took him 3 seconds.”
14. “Lying on the books like he doesn’t have a place to relax.”
15. Not the pizza!
16. Good luck with that puzzle.
17. “Yes, he tore apart his toy, but he was so satisfied and he didn’t get scolded.”
18. Scene of the crime.
19. Trash talking.
20. Leg in the cup too.
How does your pet like to annoy you? Let us know your experiences in the comments below!