There have been many amazing movies made that have some super iconic characters that will be remembered for generations. Some of these are world-famous and are an unforgettable part of pop culture today. The make-up, costumes, editing, and incredible acting talent that have been pivotal in bringing these characters to life are something that just cannot be forgotten and they’re deep-rooted in nostalgia. Many films have this certain quality were watching them even after years stills makes them look fresh and we most certainly cannot forget the great actors who play their roles so well that seeing them side-to-side with their villainous role just doesn’t make sense.
Angela Norris, the owner of Fxattics Studios can be credited for these amazing edits that you’re about to see. By putting the human actors right next to their most iconic characters, Norris has shown us the amazing transformations required to bring these characters to life. When you view them right next to each other, you will be truly amazed!
Angela herself talks about this idea she had to create these edited pictures: “I am the owner of Fxattics Studios, where I make props and Halloween masks, so I’m always trying to create works of art to increase my likes and views on the page. I had the idea to do the montage with the clown Twisty as many people don’t know that he is John Carroll Lynch from the show Drew Carey. My followers liked the idea and I kept doing it.” Whatever her motivation is, we can agree that this is an extremely original and exciting idea! So without any further delays let’s see these pictures for ourselves!
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Angela’s inspiration for this project was stated by her as follows: “I am a huge John Carroll Lynch fan and he portrays Twisty the clown of American Horror Story. So many people did not know that that was him. So, I decided to make a bunch of art pieces of horror Icons and the actors who portray them. A behind the mask and makeup, if you will.”
Those eyebrows definitely took a lot of work!
According to Angela: “The goal was to generate some followers for my business page. I try to make things that I like and what interests me because I know so many people love horror out there as much as I do.”
This project was completely Angela’s own doing from start to finish. She chose the creepiest and most elaborate characters from certain movies and TV shows and this project only took her a few days! Now that’s talent.
Angela tells us about her life: “I was born in Salem, Massachusetts, so you could say horror is in my blood. I have been in love with horror and monsters since I was 4 years old, at which time I accidentally watched A Nightmare on Elm Street with my brother Ken. My husband Alan and I run Fxattics Studios. I run the artistic side and he runs the business and marketing. I got the better end of the deal, if I do say so myself. We have two children, Abigail, who is 10, and Adam, who is 14. They are often used as models and in our promotional videos. The apple didn’t fall far, that’s for sure. All the magic happens in Brooklyn, Michigan, which is where Fxattics Studios is located.”
“Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to make monsters. Rick Baker, Tom Savini, and Ve Neil were my superheroes. The transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London—a thing of beauty. I was hooked. Sculpting and creating is a dream. I have sold masks to almost every continent. Hundreds worldwide. Each one handmade by us. Seeing the joy our masks have brought to people makes everything we do worth it. There’s something about being the bump in the night on Halloween that fuels us.”
These are indeed some insane transformations. I’m honestly completely awestruck by the amount of talent, hours, and make-up retouches these actors would have to endure throughout the shooting of the entire movie. Props to them honestly! The amount of patience that is required for this, not just by the actors but by the entire team!
Angela goes further: “What I love about horror is that it creates feelings much like being in love. The feeling of being scared and not knowing what’s coming next is so stimulating. Obviously, on the fictional level. I fell in love with my husband while watching horror movies. He had not seen many when we met. Still brings us together now. We scare each other all the time. Even the kids will hide for minutes on end for the perfect scare.
At the end of the day, we teach and preach that real monsters do not wear masks. We love what we do and know that the horror genre isn’t for everyone. For those like us who love it, we try to create content that stimulates, gets that blood pumping.”
That smile’s sure to give us nightmares…
“That’s what it’s all about. My mom and dad told me I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, even when I told them I wanted to make scary monsters and masks. I am proof that you can make dreams come true if you are willing to do the hard work to get there. We scare because we care.”
I’m in awe…
Kudos to the entire team for these amazing transformations! We’re honestly spellbound by how these pictures have been put together along with the creativity behind each face! I honestly cannot believe that these are all the same people in each photograph!
Let us know in the comments which movie character was your favourite out of all of these! We look forward to hearing from you.