It is a sort of investment for yourself. It basically means you will get paid higher in your next job if you have enough experience. And if you have worked in an industry for a very long time, that also means you deserve some sort of respect when you are close to your retiring age. However, many managers hate those old employees that have stuck with the company before they were even born can have more power than a hierarchy would demand.
This also means they try to do anything they can to get them fired. Although, that wasn’t the whole reason why these managers wanted this guy gone. Apparently, they were implementing some changes that he wasn’t happy with. And rather than just letting it go, they tried to pressure him into doing whatever they wanted. Surprisingly enough, it did not end well for them. You can read the whole story by scrolling below.
Source: Reddit
This is beautiful. I’m not sure of my favorite part; the pre-prepared cease and desist letters on the patents he owned, the consulting fee being six times his regular pay, or the 24 months severance package.
Actually, I know my favorite part: that those a**hole managers still had to go clap and cheer every morning because they don’t know how to do anything else, while they were hemorrhaging money. Just glorious. –chickachickabowbow
So he was making triple the money for half the work, kept his side business, and screwed over his enemies in perpetuity by fucking with their bonuses—all while being completely untouchable for all practical purposes?
That magnificent bastard. I salute him! –big_sugi
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