

  • By Admin
  • November 16, 2020
  • 3 minutes read


What is female and what is used indications femara contains an active substance called letrozole . This belongs to a group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors. This medicine is intended for hormonal (or endocrine) treatment of breast cancer. Evolution.

Dizziness, fatigue

My mother is 66 years old, Mamar std cancer. III. It does not do chemotherapy but only hormonal therapy with Letrozole E, the nodule was near the end. It broke about three weeks ago and ran a lot of pus, at one point it came out of the toothpaste as a kind of cheese milk. Newer mother accuses.

Clogged uterine tubes?

Hello.. I went to the doctor in Bucharest and told me I had a horny horn the right. He advised me to take letrozole to stimulate the ovary. I want to know if letrozole is for this because on the prospect says it should not be taken if you have menstruation but should only be taken at.


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An enzyme involved in estrogen production acting by catalyzing testosterone conversion into estradiol. Aromatasis is located in areas where estrogen is produced: adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose tissue and brain. The development of certain types of.

What treatment should be followed below?

In 2011 I was operated on San Dr.of T2N0MX cancer.I did 6 chemo sessions and 15 radio.I am currently following 3 year -old letrosol treatment 2.5mg.I notice that CA15-3 has values ​​of 31-32 .One can another more effective treatment scheme and which would be? Thank you from my heart . Ps.I am 57 years old

Papanicolau exam?

I did a gynecological control 7 days ago and it was everything in order (0.9mm endometrium) just that on the right ovary I have a follicle of 6.6 mm. At the Pap test, however, the result was CIII and I panicked. ASC US is meant by DR and its recommendation was to make a colposcopy./ I mention that.


Good evening. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer at right breast. We went through all the stages of treatment. My cancer was hormone addicted and for 5 years I take a medicine (letrozole) that is an aromatase inhibitor. At the routine analyzes performed annually a discovered a.


Hello.We want a second baby and do not get pregnant.At a check I was told k I have no ovulation and I was recommended letrozole .I want to know if there is any risk if I take it.

Male infertility – therapeutic methods

Fertilizer hormonal treatment Hormonal fertilizing treatment has proven to have very good results in the cases of its correct administration in women with fertility problems, but not the same has been found in infertile men. Broadly by medication.

What have you not known about hormonal imbalances so far

Hormones regulate most body processes hormonal imbalances occur when a hormone is found in too large or too small in blood. Due to their essential role in the body, even small hormonal imbalances can cause side effects throughout the body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Generalities Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects hormones. Causes irregular menstrual periods, excessive hair growth, acne and infertility. PCOS treatment depends on the patient’s desire to get pregnant. People with.

San cancer treatment

Hello, it’s about my mother who would like to know if the treatment received below is a good one. The question is as follows: According to the diagnosis presented below, Tamoxifen treatment is suitable, after treatment with Arimidex already given 5 years? Thank you.

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