
Influencer Gets Roasted Over Wanting To Pay For A Portrait Through Exposure

  • By Malaika
  • April 15, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

When will these influencers learn?

No matter how many Twitter stories have been posted with people roasting Influencer like these. They just don’t learn. Is it really that hard to grasp the fact that you can’t pay for food with likes?

I get that an artist would want his art to reach more people. And yes sometimes artists do stuff for free when they want to. But that’s only why they want to. However, many of these influencers seem to think they are doing these artists a favor by basically asking for free stuff.

I may sound like an old woman saying this but this Influencer culture is ruining whatever humanity we had left in us. So maybe this post will garner more attention to this issue because people definitely need to stop doing this.

Source: Reddit

The Influencer doesn’t even have any basic decency to act like a human.

Can this Influencer be anymore pretentious?

No need for you to pay them? What?

It’s honestly hilarious how this person thinks, a normal transaction is bizarre.

I spoke too soon, this person just reached a new height in being as pretentious as humanly possible.

As you can tell I am quite angry. Any creative person who does any kind of commissions can relate to this. People think it is so easy to do what you do. After all, it is just a few scribbles or just a few lines of words. Why would they need to pay you?

It’s heartbreaking to see that people value their worth by how many followers or likes they have.

Thankfully Reddit users were just as pissed as I am.

I think everyone was thinking the same thing.

Yah, most artists would ask for way more.

Definitely ask for more.

That is very true, People think more expensive is directly related to being better.

If only they knew.

And if you didn’t know the overused meme by now, here it is for your enjoyment.

What are your thoughts on this? Comment down below and let us know.

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