It may seem like studying in college is more or less the same as studying in high school, but it’s actually not. College life is completely different in all aspects. College shows you those harsh realities of life that high school always keeps you away from. To be honest, it’s for our own good because if high school had treated us any differently maybe we would not have survived. Life gets challenging with time. Think of it like this, the high school prepares us for college and college prepares us for real life. It all works systemically.
But, it really doesn’t matter in what way you consider it. We all have different experiences. Some of us have had such bad experiences in high school that college seems nothing, and for the rest, it was the other way around. But, no matter what anyone’s case is, what’s undeniable is that college gives us some of those experiences that high school doesn’t. Below we have compiled some tweets that show how different life in college is as compared to high school.
Scroll down and check it out!
In high school, we have fixed timings. On average, we study 6 hours a day each week and that’s pretty much it. However, in college, we have to spend 12+ hours a week depending on our credit hours every semester and these hours are not limited to daytime. In college, most people live in dorms, do part-time jobs, make assignments, do group projects, work hard to their maintain GPA, manage their own time and so much more.
But that’s just the academic part. We have to deal with fake friends, see a lot of drama, manage our own expenses, do our own laundry, and take care of a lot of other things that we wouldn’t in high school. All in all, college definitely prepares us for the harsh world that awaits us outside. It shapes us in ways that we only realize once we leave.
Can you guys relate? Let us know in the comments below.