Dogs are one of the favourite creatures to have in your home at all times. They’re friendly, they’re affectionate, and they’re loving. But, being animals, they need to take regular trips to the vet, and it’s for their own good. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a single dog that enjoys going to the vet. Like, ever. In fact, I think dogs are starting to evolve to actively detect and hate going to the vet.
I’m not sure how they do it, what kind of stunts they pull or what magical memory they have to recognise roads on the way there for them to be able to consciously know they’re going to the vet. It’s really impressive to me, because it tells me that dogs are intelligent enough to recognise landmarks and know what’s coming next. They can put that together.
The result? Hilarity. They know they can’t do anything about it.
Cat: “NO! Tell me we aren’t going THERE!”.
Dog: “Yep, we are”.
“What have I done?! Why, oh why (little dramatic pause) are you doing that to me???”
Who says dogs aren’t little children?
He’s just a giant baby.
He’s facing his nightmare.
He knows his parents are sneaky.
Dogs can be pretty expressive when it comes to these things. As happy as they are to see you when you come home, they’re equally terrified of going to the vet. Whether it’s because it can be invasive, or because they’re just scared of a stranger getting so handsy for them, or because they have to get injections or the like from them, they’ve got their reasons. So their reactions aren’t too exaggerated.
Dogs are really intelligent, and they can recognise geographical locations. I know this because they know they’re going to a vet when they look outside the window, and see the places there. For dogs, I wonder how they can do that, it’s not like they can read the signs outside the building and know what it is. Maybe they can recognise the building? But what about before they get to the vet? Dogs are smart.
Remember earlier in this article when I said dogs were smart? I take that back. This dog clearly thinks he’s able to hide behind pole when he’s not even properly hiding his face. It’s a good thing these puppies are so darn cute, otherwise they’d be hard to be around. Silly little animals.
What about you? Is your dog as afraid of the vet as these ones are? Show us! We’d love to see!