
People Asked The Hilarious Photoshop Troll To Edit Their Pics And Got The Best Results (New Pics)

  • By Hussain
  • September 11, 2022
  • 3 minutes read

Pictures don’t always end out ideal, and occasionally the closest thing to that is a good image with something unusual in the background or something that shouldn’t be in the picture in the first place.

When confronted with a similar issue, many people either improvise and try to remove the object that isn’t supposed to be in the picture, or they simply ask someone who knows how to use Photoshop properly to fix the problem.

The trouble is that you never know what you’ll receive after doing something like that because there’s a good chance you’ll end up with someone like the person in the photographs below. Plus never mess with the photoshopped this post should be an example to you. LOL just kidding.

1. This guy is really talented gotta say

James Fridman

2. Oh wait am I hallucinating?

James Fridman

3. Goodbye james

James Fridman

4. Say no more

James Fridman

5. This is truly hilarious, my stomach hurts.

James Fridman

6. You think it’s too short? Again say no more.

James Fridman

7. What the heck james xD

James Fridman

Are you tired of scrolling yet? We know you are not that’s why we have collected a long hilarious list of artist’s art and we are confident and sure that you are going to love these images below too.

8. I am the shady yes I am the real slim shady

James Fridman

9. You are holding the feet of your friend*

James Fridman

10. Mama am drowning help me

James Fridman

11. PErfect wifey material

James Fridman

13. Of course you asked the right person

James Fridman

14. Sure why not.

James Fridman

It’s a lesson for all of us that we don’t ever need to become bad friends with photoshop artist, they can make our life a living joke. XD these images are too hilarious and we can only imagine the witty mind of our artist James Fridman. He’s the man of cultuar and he is too much talented to make us laugh. Don’t forget to follow him.

Let us know what you think about this post in the comment section below and let us know which one of this was your favorite. Stay tuned with Defused for more content.


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