We love our furry canine friends unconditionally. They are considered our family. And in return, they give us loyalty, company, love, and a whole lot of entertainment. Our entire life is spent trying to figure out ways to improve our lovely doggo’s life. We do whatever is in our power but it just doesn’t satisfy us. We want the best for them. However, wouldn’t that be easier to do if our dogs could just talk? They could communicate with us directly about the things they need. Oh, how I wish they could speak. I wonder what their personality would be like. Hyperactive, silly, excited?
A Tumblr account named Texts From Dog feeds our imagination as it creates conversations on text message between a dog and his owner. It is exactly what you would imagine it to be like. All-caps and full of energy. Read the hilarious text messages down below:
Source: textfromdog.tumblr.com
The creator of this blog, October Jones, has really captured the eager and passionate personalities of canines quite well. Dogs really do seem like the annoying all-caps and anxious double-texting kind. Well, no matter how annoying they are, we still love them.
Do you wish your dog could talk too? What kind of conversations do you imagine to have with your dog? Let us know your ideas in the comments below.