
Golden Retriever Shows Off His Stick Collection & We Are Proud Of His Work

  • By Admin
  • September 9, 2020
  • 4 minutes read

Most of us have some sort of hobbies and that ultimately leads us to start a collection of our own, be it Pokemon cards or guitars or even books. It needs to be something we feel passionate about. And mind you, this situation is no different. But would you have ever imagined a dog building a collection of sticks? Wait, what!? Sounds weird? Yes, it does but it’s true. But why does he do that? That’s an interesting story.

A 4-year-old doggo named Bruce has gone viral when his person, Leo Icenhour, posted a picture of little Brucey with his collection of fetching sticks. Whilst you may be wondering how a dog could have the capacity to even think about starting a collection, let me tell you, Bruce has been dubbed as the “goodest boy” by the internet community and this is a pup worthy of this title.

We are aware that you’d be dying to see Bruce by now and you must be anxious to hear about that story, so, let’s not keep you waiting any further.

Bruce says “Hello”

via leoicenhour

It all started when there was a snowstorm in their town which covered the entire lawn in snow, lots of it, like, a lot! Poor doggo had let his stick out one day and the next morning it was gone in the blanket of a few feet of snow. He tried endlessly to find his crown jewel but all the digging and burrowing was to no avail. Finally, when the sun came out and the snow went melting away, he found his precious baby.

Ever since then, something changed and little Brucey started collecting sticks that he liked and now has over 50 sticks to his collection. The trauma of being stick-less really moved something in his pure and precious heart, he didn’t want to feel that loneliness ever again. Between you and me, I can’t tell them apart, but to our goodest boy here, every stick holds so much sentimental value and he has his favourites and can most definitely differentiate between them. Although he displays his prized processions proudly on his porch for everyone to admire them like a proud dad of the sticks, Bruce is not allowed to play fetch with them.

Oh boy! That collection is MASSIVE and impressive!

via leoicenhour

That collection of sticks definitely goes a long way!

via leoicenhour

Turns out a few years ago during a game of fetch, our lovable Brucey suffered a perforated oesophagus which was caused by the wooden stick. This was a very trying time for Leo since he described his comrade as the moon to his stars and the cheese to his macaroni. It seemed as though fate was on their side and Bruce made a full recovery after receiving treatment. Even better for us as that led the little cutie to always play with a rubber stick, and now everyone can rest assured that their favourite celebrity K9 won’t be hurt again.

Don’t they look adorable together!?

via leoicenhour

Our celebrity doggo just celebrated his 4th birthday; they grow up so fast, don’t they? The celebration was no less of a glamorous one with his annual Bruce-A-Pa-Looza; cheeseburgers party in the park and Brucey’s favourite snacks, peanut butter on tap and most importantly with lots of doggo fun.

Happy birthday, you gorgeous little thing!

via leoicenhour

I know what you are wondering. How to keep up with Bruce’s life because well, you know you want to keep yourself updated about his latest adventures because he’s definitely an interesting and adorable one. No worries, we have got you covered. Now you can follow Leo’s Instagram, as he posts a lot about his baby doggo Bruce. While you are at it, don’t forget to wish Brucey a belated happy birthday!

Someone looks happy!

via leoicenhour

Bruce is definitely a handsome boy!

via leoicenhour

When Leo was asked about Bruce’s internet found fame this is what he had to say about his precious dog,

“Am I surprised that Bruce has become an internet sensation? Absolutely not. He is the light of my life and truly a unique pup so I am more proud of him than anything. He is the moon to my stars, the cheese to my macaroni, and the peanut butter to my jelly.”

via leoicenhour

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