
30 Funniest Dog Thoughts That Dog Owners Can Totally Relate To

Language is not a barrier for love.

You don’t really need to speak someone’s language to understand them or love them. It’s hard to think of it this way, but when the actions are speaking louder than words, you know that language was never necessary to communicate with in the first place. Some bonds really are like this where you both love each other unconditionally without having to say a single word.

For instance, the relationship between dogs and their owners. Dogs don’t know why we are happy or sad, but they understand us and stay with us through our good and bad times. They don’t know where we are headed when we get inside the car, but they’re still happy to go out with us anyway. When we’re feeling down, we talk to them about our probelms, and they listen to us with so much attention even though they have no clue what we’re talking about. Now, that really has to count for something!

Image credits: dog_feelings

Similarly, we don’t know what dogs are trying to say either, yet we still understand them and it’s perfect that way. However, it would be really fun if there was a way to know what exactly dogs are trying to tell us. Or, what’s happening inside of their minds. Well, we can’t really tell for sure, but there is something that is very close to that. There’s a Twitter account called “Thoughts of Dogs,” that gives us an idea of what our furbabies might be thinking.

The following tweets have been taken from that account and they will show you some of the common things our dogs think about. Though these tweets are funny and adorable, they might even help some of us in better understanding our little friends. Check them out!

thoughtsofdog.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Everything is better now.

I’m with you till the end of the line, partner.

Must protect human at all costs.

You deserve everything that’s good.

Master tactician.

Works every time.

There’s nothing like home.

I’m part of the curriculum.

Must save.

It’s like magic.

I’m still smol, I only look big.

We’re both happy.

I don’t make the rules.

One thing that’s clear from these thoughts is that our dogs are as innocent on the inside as they are on the outside. They are so pure, all they want is to play with their favorite hooman, take naps and eat lots of snacks.

Miracles happen all the time.

I am who I am.

Cheese time is no joke.

Must rest. Too much wisdom.

We will make it through the tough times together.

You need to do twice the work.

The big bounce.


Right about now.

You have no choice.

The human loves me.

Can’t hide the truth!

Yes please.

There’s nothing like a toasted snack!


Don’t look at me.

True friend.

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