The uphill struggle will get you to a lot of places. If you procrastinate and copy off other people’s hard work, you are bound to face your downfall sooner or later. Work with passion and dedication and you will receive the reward. However, people tend to choose the easy path and steal things from others. Sure, it might impress your teachers or professors in the short term but it will create huge problems for you in the long run, especially if you get caught with plagiarism. Stealing artwork IS theft. It is a crime and along with all the embarrassment and humiliation, you can also get sued for it.
So, a girl named Jane met her downfall when she stole her friend Grace’s work and decided to display it in a presentation. The nerve of some people! However, karma hit her and it makes for quite the story. Reddit user u/sgy0003 posted the whole story online, and you need to read it down below:
Jane clearly got what she deserved. If she had just put up a little bit of effort and came up with her own designs instead of trying to find the easy way out, she would have still been in the fashion school. Evil does not go unnoticed. Nothing remains hidden forever. So the next time you decide to profit off of other people’s blood and sweat, try to read the countless of stories online about people getting caught with plagiarism and how they met the end of their careers.
What do you think about this story? Have you ever faced such a situation? How did you tackle it? Let us know in the comments below!