
Employee’s Ice Cold Petty Revenge On Manager Costs Store Thousands

Every company’s ability to grow and advance is primarily dependent on its upper management. Nothing will stop them from succeeding if the management acts professionally and fosters a positive work atmosphere among the staff. The personnel looks to their superiors to work with all of their fervor and dedication since they require strong leadership in their surroundings.

OP described her experience as a pet trainer in a pet store in Canada, where she was the only qualified trainer for three years. There was a new manager recruited in their business who had a bad reputation from past positions and confirmed it with her behavior with the youthful personnel. She once yelled at a young staffer in front of a customer and flung a cat food container toward her. OP was one of the oldest employees there, therefore she felt a motherly love for the younger employees.OP wanted to teach her manager a lesson, so she started working as a cat can food organizer instead of her regular job of dealing with clients and selling pet training classes because the manager had a ‘thing’ for cat can food.OP continued to arrange the canned food stock until she found another work in her field of study. Read the full story on OP’s strategy and leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP took a petty revenge on the terrible manager.

2. OP told about the experience when she was a pet trainer at a pet store in Canada.

3. OP was the only qualified trainer at the pet store; hence, she was very valuable and could not be fired.

4. A new manager was appointed who had a bad reputation from her previous jobs and proved it right with her interaction with the staff.

5. OP was aware of her rights as one of the oldest employees of the store, but the other kids had to face her unreasonable coercing.

6. One of the teen staff members came to OP to tell about their manager’s shouting at her in front of the customer and throwing a can of cat food on her.

7. OP, being a motherly figure for all the juniors, took their younger staff’s humiliation seriously.

8. OP’s manager was possessive about all the cat food cans being perfectly labeled and stacked to the front. OP decided to take on this responsibility herself.

9. OP’s original job was taking care of customers, offering dog advice, and selling pet training classes, but OP spent 3 to 4 hours of her worktime organizing the cat food cans.

10. The manager asked OP to leave it, but she told her that she was in the middle of organizing the section and knew its importance to her manager.

11. OP started wasting her time week after week on this unnecessary work to tease the manager, and all the other staff were enjoying seeing her helpless.

12. OP left the store after getting her field job and spent her whole last-day shift with the cat food cans.

13. The manager got fired after a month, OP left the place because there were a lot of complaints about her, and she also caused a great loss to the store.

14. OP worked a job below her pay grade to teach her manager a lesson, and she couldn’t terminate her without facing consequences.

Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.

15. Redditor explains the two types of managers and their styles.

16. According to Redditor, most corporations support managing with fear, as it puts pressure on the lower staff to work properly.

17. Redditor outlines how good leadership characteristics are essential for successfully managing any firm.

18. Redditor approves OP’s strategy to save other employees from the manager’s wrath.

19. Indeed! There is a difference between leadership and management.

20. Indeed! Resentment can get expensive.

OP did the right thing by making her management understand her mistake, as she could not insult her junior employees in front of a customer. Everyone has self-respect, whether they are in a lower or higher grade, and humiliating someone in front of others would cause disappointment among all workers. People like the manager will never gain the respect of others, and their reputation will suffer long-term. What do you think about it? Share your ideas in the comments below, and stay tuned to Wholesomeness for more stories.

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