
40 Stories About Dorkiest Dogs Doing Dumb Things

Dogs can do the dumbest things.

And you can never get mad at your pets because they look so adorable while making a mess of things. At least that holds true for the following stories. From repeatedly banging their head against a glass door to getting stuck behind a toilet, I find it hilarious just by imagining it.

However, you don’t have to imagine it since we have pictures for proof. All of this started when one Twitter user asked the world to share stories about their dumbest dogs. And Twitter delivered in spades. So we decided to compile the best of the best and share it with you.

Scroll on below and take a look.

Source: Twitter

I think people are gonna have a lot to say about that.

#1 I thought dogs hated baths.

#2 One day he’ll learn to do that too.

#3 Trying his best alright.

#4 I cannot imagine.

#5 He just likes a hard surface.

#6 Anyone would make that mistake.

#7 Ah yes, the infamous bear slayer.

#8 He has trained you well.

#9 At least he didn’t get stuck in the toilet.

#10 Just like a cat.

#11 How does one even do that?

#12 Sounds like a drunk guy.

#13 Yes, It is very realistic.

#14 Hamsters are scary, man.

#15 Well, he didn’t eat it so win?

#16 So who wins most of the time?

#17 Roxy knows what she’s doing.

#18 Well, it usually tastes very woody. Don’t ask.

#19 What’s his real name though?

#20 A hardcore smoker right here.

#21 That a very clever dog. More treats for him.

#22 He just couldn’t hold it in.

#23 He’s giving himself a time out.

#24 Sounds like fun.

#25 Perfect together.

#26 When will she learn?

#27 Does he though?

#28 He probably wanted to jump in on the rainbow trend.

#29 Even I have done that.

#30 So who won?

#31 Everything non-edible then?

#32 A good but lazy doggo.

#33 It was a cry for help.

#34 What’s their obsession with walls?

#35 Wallowing in his guilt I presume.

#36 Just give him his own pacifier.

#37 Even humans do that.

#38 Is there something he isn’t afraid of?

#39 That’s what you get for lying.

#40 It can be quite thrilling.

Do you have a dog? If so why not share some of the dumbest things your pet has done? We always love to hear from you.

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