Let it be the police force or army. From simple desk jobs to complicated tasks like search and rescue, dogs are emerging in all walks. Today, they are working side by side humans to help them in their everyday jobs. No matter the heftiness, dogs don’t back down. They are at our service, both as volunteers and full-time employees. With some training and practice, they able to perform almost any tasks a human is employed for. They are blessed with special senses, like a strong sense of smell. They can literally smell and tell. That’s why they are often seen alongside the police force and detectives.
However, some dogs just have better careers than most of us humans. Sometimes, they are hired for jobs we didn’t even know existed. Let’s find out what jobs are those and how well are they doing at it.
Credits: CatDamage
“Finn Bartends When He’s Not Helping My Sister With Her Vertigo”
Credits: LaughNgamez
These guys are being virtualized in “The Last Of Us 2.” They’re good boys.
Credits: nikls7
Credits: rwatkinsGA
“I’m ready! I’m ready!”
Credits: kevinowdziej
Credits: RimmyDims
Little puppy helping people with epileptic seizures. Smart little pupper!
Credits: ghengasaur
Credits: zedscience
“Our Bernese Mountain Dog Visits My High School Kids And Helps Them With Science”
Credits: edorylime
This is Jerry, a registered therapy dog. She has a warm welcoming smile.
Credits: LadyGlitch
Credits: rancha9
And she’s good at her job.
Credits: Gabriel_NDG
“My Local Print Shop Has A Dog Working On The Counter”
Credits: katietron
“Sammy Is The Official Emotional Support And Greeter Dog At The Psychiatrist Office Where I Work. Licks And Love Are His Specialties”
Credits: alicemalice13
“This Is Rusty. He Volunteers At My Local Hospital Cheering Up Patients. He Never Leaves Home Without His Glasses And Work Bandana.” “He is so famous and loved by the public, that the hospital commissioned a painting of Rusty to commemorate his work”
Credits: comfortdogs
LCC Comfort Dogs is a charity that train dogs to help all those who need love on their bad days. These dogs are sent to the areas and homes that have suffered losses or traumatic incidents within the US. These dogs are serving every day and spreading happiness and helping people cope up with their situations.
Credits: mac_is_crack
This Mini Doodle is a comfort dog. She cheers people who are mourning the loss of loved ones.
Credits: rainycloudy
“Met A Very Good Boy Today, Complete With His Own Business Cards”
Look at all those therapy dogs!
All these dogs are coming from such amazing professions. I’m simply impressed. They’re getting professional training and surprisingly they’re doing better than what was expected of them. PéterPongrácz from Department of Ethology, Biological Institute, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary describes his book “The Social Dog, Behavior and Cognition” says that “dogs utilise the information provided by the behaviour of their human and dog companions equally well. Most probably they are capable of learning with the help of several mechanisms, adapting their focus of attention accordingly to the given context, nature of a problem, and difficulty of a task.”
It means that dogs show a observe and learn behavior. When they are put in the company of humans they are constantly observing the behavior of humans in different situations. This quality helps them in getting hired as an employee, working with fellow doggos and humans.
Credits: Ylimeq15
“I regret not snapping a pic of her owner, who was the sweetest old man and was thoroughly enjoying his “job” (unpaid volunteer) just as much as his dog”
Credits: mnopqrunks
So this person shares:
“Very Good Boy Helped Me At The Body Shop Today After I Got Into An Accident. Best Customer Service I’ve Had In A While”
Credits: thecockmeister
Shmoll and cute!
Credit: RevolutionaryCommie
“Barney Is An Assistant And All-Round Good Boy At The Post Office In Drumshambo, County Leitrim, Ireland”
Credits: midimontage
“This Bar I Go To Has A Roof Where The Security Guard Stays In One Spot To Welcome Guests”
Hope works at the airport and gives kisses and candy to the passengers on Valentine’s Day. Isn’t it sweet?
Credits: ehabanks
“This Is Pickle, A Certified Search Dog For BC Search & Rescue. Here He Is Posing Proudly With A Shoe He Found”
Credits: duuuk
Credits: Catfishsoupp
This is Luna, taking a nap.
credit: _acuddlemonster_
“This Is Oreo And He’s The Greeter At Our Menswear Store”
Credits: K931SAR
“My Truffle Hunter With The 18oz Of White Truffles She Found Today”
Credits: colexyz
Credits: cre8tors
“Pilot Scares Away All The Birds Who Might Otherwise Come Into Contact With Aircraft At Vancouver Airport”
Credits: Takase_farm
“This Flower Shop Has A Flower Assistant Who Just Needed To Take A Break In A Bed Of Flowers”
Credits: Remember__Me
Credits: HopeSandoval
Credits: imjustadudeguy
“My Buddy’s Dog Who Is Trained To Dig Up Sea Turtle Nests So They Can Be Safely Incubated And Set Free After The Hatch”
“My Local Hardware Store Has A Dog That Follows You Around, And Takes Your Items To The Counter For You”
Credits: karlo_m
“This Best Boy Helping Children Testify”
Credits: 70ms
“I Took My Dog To The Vet Today And Met This Guy. The Sign Underneath Is The Best Part”
And you’ve come to the end of this post, hope you’ve enjoyed these puppers as much as we did. If you know a doggo employee, feel free to share its story with us in the comments below!