The destination was at right but we went left and landed straight into trouble. Sometimes, we make bad decisions and face the aftermath. But it’s important to realise that every failure doesn’t make us a loser, in fact, it makes us a winner. Maybe not today, but tomorrow it definitely will. How does that happen? Well, when we lose it means we made a mistake. Something went wrong. Maybe, it’s a bad decision we made but after the damage is done, we have learned our lesson. So, next time when we try, we will avoid making that decision or doing that thing we did the last time that didn’t result in the desired output. This is how we ultimately win. If we really want to grow mature and be successful in life, we have to get some bad experiences, some failures on our journey.
We know the famous Japanese proverb “Nana korobi, ya oki” that translates to “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” These are literally words to live by. This alone provides great motivation that we all need. This needs to be our mantra but looks like dogs have taken this much more seriously than humans. Our silly doggos keep landing in troublesome situations due to their bad decisions that they instantly regret. Here are 50 photos we found on the internet showing dogs that got themselves in trouble due to their bad decisions and they regret it. Scroll down to check them out.
Credits: gloweblue
Credits: tharealbiggiesmalls
Come To The Park They Said, We’ll Have A Friendly Game Of Fetch They Said
Credits: imgur
Credits: imgur
My Dog Got Stuck In The Sofa Cover
Credits: TurdFerguson10
My Dog Stuck In A Gate
Credits: dscz20
Shakespeare’s First Trip Down A Slide
Credits: Silentwes
Get A Border Collie They Said, They’re One Of The Smartest Breeds They Said
Credits: GallowBoob
Credits: EyePhone14
Credits: skyline_kid
My Friend’s Dog Ate A Bee
Credits: woofle07
Heard Her Whining And Turned Around To Find This. She Got Stuck
Credits: mynameisjacky
Credits: totallynotabear
Credits: flutexgirl
Cats are not always guilty of starting a fight with a dog. Sometimes, it’s the dog’s own wrong doings that lead them in a unwanted situations. Cats are not always the one to blame sometimes the culprit is the dog. However, cats are short tempered and hyper sensitive. Do anything, like just exist, and a cat might get offended. You never know what they’re gonna do next. So, whatever you do, just don’t stand in a cat’s way or else you would get hit by it or get run over. In case of the above picture the cats seem to be pretty angry about something the dog did. Even if it was just a mistake, the dog better have a good explanation or else he/she would suffer.
Credits: BreakboyHex
I’ll Just Sit Here And Wait For Them To Stop Laughing And Help Me Out
Credits: GleamTheCube
I Immediately Regret This Decision
Credits: Isabel Clownsnack
Credits: TheDonCuffy
Credits: ChristineSteed
Credits: SoIgotthatgoinformewhichisnice
Credits: alt-jh
Maxie Relaxing In A Hammock
Credits: ozone_one
I Would Like To Show You The Exact Moment My Dog Decided He Was Done Playing Catch The Frisbee
Credits: Havent_the_foggiest
My Favourite Dumbass Came To Visit Today. Didn’t Take Him Long To Get Stuck
Credits: smease
Neighbors Got A New Dog. He Seems To Really Love My Pug
Credits: -originalname-
Pugsley Wonders Why We Call Him Darwin
Frida Continues To Make Questionable Chioces…
Credits: youtbuddcody
She Chose The Wrong Place To Take A Nap
Credits: yamamochi223
Someone’s Been Caught In The Cookie Basket
Credits: shanel3rannan
My Dog Managed To Get Herself Stuck In The Sleeve Of My Sweater
This Is Fred. Fred Loves The Frisbee
Credits: chuck1597535
This Is How My Dog Says Goodbye
This Is My Dog Stuck On A Rock While Trying To Cross A River
Credits: nurse_a-hugs
Went To Pick Up Dog From Kennel And Found Her Like This
Credits: littlemarieflower
When My Dog Got Stuck In A Hole And Couldn’t Get Out By Himself
My Friend’s Dog Thought This Was How You Get Up Stairs And Got Stuck
Which one of these bad decision makers do you like the most? Let us know in the comments and do not forget to share with other dog owners and see if they can relate.