Parenthood is a rollercoaster ride. There are pros and cons to it. Pros? You have an adorable mini-you that you can cuddle and love. You have someone you can love unconditionally for the rest of your life. It is exciting and it changes your life for good. However, it isn’t always smiles and laughter. There is stress. There is responsibility. You have to deal with sleepless nights. You’re raising an entire human by yourself and how they turn out would be a result of their upbringing. So, yes. It can be very, very tough. But it is definitely worth it once you see your happy little family.
But who said it’s tough just for human parents? Dog parents have it just as rough. Parenthood can be tiresome for them too, and there are moments when they just want some time alone away from the pups. That’s okay, that’s completely normal. But it is also hilarious. Here are 10+ dog moms that are tired of their puppies and it clearly shows:
These canine mamas have it tough too. There are no breaks in parenthood. You have to be ready for what’s to come every day and face it. There are no off days. Being a doggy grandparent can be fun since you don’t have to do any of the work, however, it is hard for the parent. But the more, the merrier. Keep making mini-yous, doggos!
What did you think of these adorable images? Do you think they need a break? Let us know in the comments below.