In John King’s alternate comic universe, fruits and vegetables go from being the wholesome nutritional meal to outright mischievous. In his amusing and relatable series “Fruit Gone Bad,” these colorful characters have a flair for trickery and mayhem. From full relationships to social interactions, these foodies and their friends, like bread, almonds, pizza and more, take center stage in a comic series that is sure to tickle your funny bone. Check out 20 of King’s creative comic universe here, and see what your favorite foods would do in an alternate reality!
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
A rising star in the world of comics, the New York-based artist has indeed garnered the attention of a loyal fan base of over 87,500 followers on Instagram, all of whom love his jokes and distinctive sense of humor. From his childhood days of creating Dungeons & Dragons themed, hilarious, and action-packed comics, the artist’s journey has been incredible to witness! With some jokes sure to make you burst out laughing and others that may leave you feeling slightly awkward, this artist is definitely here to spice up the comic landscape.
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Source: Fruit Gone Bad
Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed these hilarious and lowkey naughty comics by Fruit Gone Bad. Leave a comment down below if they made you laugh and let us know your favorite one. Stay tuned to Defused for more.