If you’ve owned both of them at one point in your life, you would know what I’m talking about. Dogs are one of the nicest and most loyal creatures on the planet. Cats, on the other hand, would sell you to Satan for a corn chip. If a dog accidentally breaks something in the house, he will hide under the bed in fear and guilt. However, cats will knock down your expensive vase on purpose and proudly pose with it.
So cats have been stealing things from dogs just because they are pure evil and the poor dog won’t fight back. Be it food or beds, felines will rip dogs off their property. Even though it’s sad for the doggos, it is hilarious to us. So if you were looking for a good laugh, you’ve come to the right place. Below are 40 cats who are not even sorry for stealing dogs’ beds:
Smol! -JK Rowling
All dog owners in this thread are doing it wrong. Cats aren’t team players. So, you’ll have to buy an equal amount of _dog_ beds as you have pets. – Pan Narrans
LOOK AT THAT FLOOF!!! -Ruby Mcpherson
Molly DeVoss, a feline training and behaviour specialist at Cat Behavior Solutions, was asked why cats like to steal the beds of their fellow pet dogs. It is because they want to cover the dog’s scent with their own. “Your home is their territory, and they feel more comfortable in places that smell like them,” said Molly.
A dog of rare courage. -Kristina Thomas
Gotta keep that butt warm if you’re to keep your appointment of waking up your owner (I mean slave) by sitting on their eyes at five in the morning. -logical fallacy
The cat is glaring at the stray dog foot that made it on to his bed. -Raine Soo
Molly also explained why it is common for cats to get what they want, “they’re very good at training us.” For instance, “They knock things off the nightstand to wake us—because we typically feed them to stop the behaviour.” Also when “they jump up on things because we pick them up” or “meow and get us to talk back.” In fact, “cats are very observant and have great understanding of how to get a reaction from their caretakers.”
“What. I have a child now and he needs somewhere to sleep.” -Kristina Thomas
I mean, does he KNOW he’s using the kitty bed for a pillow or does he think that since his head is in it, his whole body must be? Like when I was little and closed my eyes and thought no one could see me…… -BlueCustardAngel
they have the same fur! -Jeremy
Well, they are the monarch of the house – just look at their subservient pet, making sure the bed is warm. -Ruby Mcpherson
Angry stare contest has started! -Noez
Hell no the dog’s mad and probably peeing on it -The Emerald Triangle
Lol that’s the same look my pup has when he finds his human sister laying on his bed reading. Lol -Paige Jordan
Chihuahuas have more guts than big dogs! -Kristina Thomas
She just shows some respect to the elderly. Good doggo girl -Hafida
They look like twins! -The Emerald Triangle
I can’t believe how calm the cat is. It is probably thinking: What’s all the fuss? -Raine Soo
Doggo has tears forming!! -Malanda Evans-Vaughan
Because of the skunk in her bed. -fish
It is clear to see that cats are the alpha of the house. You just can’t push them off the bed. This also proves that they have zero respect for personal space and property. They do what they want. They’ll sleep where they want. What are you going to do about it? Cats can be jerks but we still love them.
“Either choose which shoe you want me to poop in, or do something about this travesty.” -Kimberley Thomas
People will have to intervene judging by the look on that pupper’s face… -Oskar vanZandt
Why on earth would I wonder who’s in charge in a household with a cat? -logical fallacy
Tiny fluffball being consumed by the void -JK Rowling
And the dirty laundry also smells like you. Bonus! -Kathy Balis
Doggy is standing guard -Tina Hugh
They must be either really afraid or really good friends, the huskies, because Cat was kind enough to leave room for one of the cushion. -logical fallacy
You can see the cat thinking:” You better leave things as they are. I can take your bed too, mate.” -WilvanderHeijden
I love how in a lot of the pictures on here, the dog squishes into the cat bed. Poor pup. -Heather
Not too far. There’s the stripe. We did this as kids. Here’s the imaginary stripe. Do not cross it. -RJ
Just tell the cat that it is a cat’s bed and he’ll move away. -FloC
That’s the stray kitty that got adopted by the orange kitty.
The cats: Well, there are two of us. We win! -Raine Soo
i’m surprised cat didn’t choose to stay closer to radiator. are you sure it’s a cat? -MagicalUnicorn
The look on the poor bulldog’s face… 🙁 -Raine Soo
What did you think of these hilarious yet adorable images? Have you ever kept a dog and cat at the same time? How did they behave? Let us know in the comments below!