
12 Cats Who Are “Pleased” To Meet Their Dog Siblings But Their Reactions Says Otherwise

  • By Rumeesha
  • July 13, 2021
  • 3 minutes read

We are all well aware of the animosity between cats and dogs that is hilarious and worrisome at the same time.

The two furry beings have been the arch-enemies of each other since forever. There are many people who love both cats and dogs and like to keep them as pets. But, having both of these pets in same household is quite challenging. Keeping them off each other is an extreme sport as a fight is inevitable between the two.

Apart from their behavioral differences, the one thing they don’t like is, you giving attention to the other one. Their clingy and cute selves want all the attention and do not like their owner to bring another pet to be the partner of this care and attention. But, in best case scenarios, cats and dogs are seen to be friendly with each other as well.

Let’s have a look at these cats and dogs giving each other tough looks and time.

1. Are you ready for a furry face-off?

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2. We all can predict a war over who would sleep at this place.

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3. Is it a snuggle or slam?

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The reason of this hostility is mostly because of the difference in behavior and temperament of both the animals. Both cats and dogs have different levels of comfort. Dogs are naturally more social and friendly as compared to cats. They are also habitual of catching and chasing, especially furry things or animals. On the contrary, it is natural for cats to run away if they sense threat near them. So when dogs advance to greet, the cats find it threatening and intrusive. Changing these instincts in both animals is very difficult, even if they are domestic. These instincts are repressed to an extent, but they can not get rid of it. This makes the situation challenging and disturbing for both cats and dogs.

4. When your hooman brings a puppy at home leaving you feel all betrayed.

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5. “Get away, you demon!”

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6. “Keep your enemies closer!”

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7. She is clearly pissed.

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8. Poor puppy is in danger.

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9. Giving each other tough looks until they fight.

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10. “RUN!”

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Well, sometimes, cats and dogs can also be friends. This usually happens when cats and dogs live together for a considerably long period of time. This can make them believe that the other pet is not threatening. Cats and dogs being all happy and friendly is always worth watching.

11. Look at these beauties!

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12. The cat is doubtful.

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Do you also have both cat and dog as pets? Which one of them is more hard-to handle? Share your ideas with us in comments below!

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