Both cats and dogs have different personalities. Dogs are more extroverted, however, cats are visibly introverted animals. Dogs enjoy socializing and have friends in different places. They even befriend animals other than their own kind. On the other hand, cats have very few friends, they usually don’t stand other cats, or dogs or anyone. They are more of a private yet intelligent type of animals. You can hardly guess their next move, they’re extremely unpredictable.
Although both cats and dogs are completely opposite to each other, they both have one thing in common and that is their love for food. They both are such foodie animals that they would do anything for food. Even if they’re full, they would still like to be fed. In case their demand for more food is not being entertained by their owner for whatever reason, they would opt for other ways to get what they want. It may have happened that some of your food mysteriously disappears from the kitchen shelf and it is later found half-eaten in a different corner of your house. That’s because your beloved four-legged friend stole it and ate it. Hundreds of cat foods and dog foods in the market, yet your pet still wants what you’re having. Well, that’s just how our crazy little furry friends are and we love them anyway. Here are 46 cats and dogs that were caught red-pawed stealing food. Scroll down and take a look.
Cats are picky eater, unlike dogs. They’ll have you running around begging them to eat, but they won’t unless they really want to or it’s their favorite treat. However, cats like to inspect everything. You never know what you may find. It’s just like you’ve opened up the fridge and discover some leftover pizza. Dogs, on the other hand, would eat anything they can find. Whether it’s their favorite or not, they would still happily give it a try.
“This huge loaf of bread travelled along with my parents on a 600 km trip to get home. I love this bread as I don’t get to eat it frequently. Dog thought it was a great idea to taste-test it just in case it’s poisoned. Results turned negative. Good dog for being so thoughtful”
“I was distracted by the baby when my cat knocked my dinner (delicious grilled chicken) onto the floor for my dog to steal. I had only eaten one bite “
“Just want to apologize to any of our neighboors who are missing a full rack of ribs. Our dog escaped through the fence and came back an hour later with this. “