Probably the biggest difference between humans and animals is that animals don’t judge us. They simply treat us the way we treat them. Unlike most humans, animals don’t have any motives when they befriend us. They don’t care what we do, how we look, or what we have; if we’re nice to them, they’re nice to us. It’s that simple.
Of course, animals can’t speak to us, or give us advice or talk us out of our problems, but then again, they don’t have to! They read our expressions and know exactly how we feel. This is something even humans can’t do. We can put up a fake smile and fool everyone, but animals can FEEL when something is wrong with us and that’s special. And the best part is, all of this applies to not just cats and dogs but to all animals. They’re all alike because they all respond to one language and that’s the language of love. Below, we have 22 photos that speak volumes of just how considerate and loving animals can be when treated right.
It’s like animals restore our faith and give us hope everytime we feel like giving up. They’re always so supportive and full of life that it’s hard to be sad when they’re around. Sure, they’re not always like this, a lot of times they drive us crazy but we still love them regardless because why not? That being said, I think it’s only fair to say it out loud that animals, without a doubt, make the truest best friends a man can ever have!
Aren’t they all precious? What do you guys think? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and if you have a story that you think fits perfectly here then feel free to share that with us too!