
14 Tweets About Women’s Solidarity That Shows Power Of Women Supporting Women

  • By Malaika
  • June 10, 2020
  • 4 minutes read

Society has instilled many lies within us.

The one that is most prevalent is that women can never be true friends. And that we are always scheming and want to stab our ‘friends’ in their back whoever we get the chance. Now, this may surprise you but that is not actually true. Sure there are some bad apples but that is humanity in general, not a specific gender.

However, it seems people love to reiterate this little ‘fact’ again and again. Well, I am not going to prove it otherwise without solid proof. So here we are. I am sure you have seen many instances of women being there for each other when we need it the most. The following tweets are just some of those examples.

So scroll on below and take a look.

#1 Now, that is just being extra nice.

Via buhdubuh

The only question I have is why was this girl watching a show in class. And how did the teacher not notice two girls staring at their crotch for long periods of time? Perhaps I am reading too much into it.

#2 This is so sweet just like that milkshake.

#3 Now, that is some good advice!

Via misspipkelly

#4 I am going to steal this and use it when someone gets on me about my weight.

#5 I am sensing a theme here.

Most of these stories are aright after they broke up or had a row with their current partner. I suppose there is a reason having friends is much more fulfilling than being in a relationship. Especially if that relationship is toxic for you.

#6 I wish my friends did this for me.

Via  jaanemao

#7 Wow, That is some dedication.

Via vickto_willy

#8 That teacher deserves a good old high five!

#9 I have actually done this many times as well although not because of my nails.

Via rosyghoul

#10 A bouquet of flowers is bound to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Via egyptique

#11 This is what a best friend looks like.

#12 Most people wouldn’t care if someone was in this kind of situation.

Via AGlasgowGirl 

#13 Okay, I take it back, this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read.

Via ailijones

#14 Good advice in general.

This for those who think girls are all unicorns and rainbows.

Now, before any of you get butthurt about not including men or that nobody thinks this. The fact is many people still think like this and nobody is hating on anyone here. Gender doesn’t really matter in this context. So let us know if you have ever done something similar in the comments below.

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