However, it isn’t for no reason as there are hundreds of stories where they treat their kid’s partners horribly. I have no idea why they do this. Perhaps it is because they think they own their children and do not like it when their kids take their partner’s side. Whatever the reason may be, they will do everything in their power to sow chaos in the relationship. And this story is no different. However, rather than the usual kid who can’t stand up to their mother, this guy did.
As you can probably expect, it did not go well and now everyone is blaming the woman for causing this in the first place. Nobody is going against the mother-in-law who sent the message in the first place. And you will soon see this but the message is pure ugliness and that is all I can say about that. So this person decided to ask the Internet for help as to whether what she did was right or wrong.
You can read the full story for yourself by scrolling below.
Source: Reddit
I am honestly gobsmacked after reading that message. Even if she was angry at her son’s partner, this is not the way to go about things. And to say such hurtful things to your own family is just stupid. Did she really expect her to keep quiet and not tell her husband? or did she think her son would take her side? I understand she is diabetic but that has nothing to do with anything. And the reason he is in the hospital is because of her own stupidity.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think she should have kept the message to herself and confronted the mother-in-law herself or do you think it was the right thing to do to tell her husband? What would you have done if you were in her place? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.