Sometimes you can argue over the silliest of things. But during it all, you need to keep a cool head so things don’t go overboard. You can’t afford to lose your significant other because of your temper. However, trust is also an important part of a relationship. You should listen to your partner when they share their problems with you and believe that they are telling the truth.
This lady on Reddit, u/houseplantlover9, shared her fight with her boyfriend and asked if she was in the wrong. Read her story below:
“Edit: Just wanted to offer an update. This has really changed my perspective on things. I think I was so thinking about the sanitary towel thing that I hadn’t really realized how bad his behavior was. His mom actually sent me a message on Facebook saying what I did was disgusting and really abnormal and that she doesn’t think me and my boyfriend should date anymore. I can’t believe his mom is messaging me about this. I blocked her and messaged him that he needs to come and pick up the stuff that he’s left at mine. Luckily it isn’t much. He hasn’t replied but I saw that he has shared a post on Facebook about women being crazy. So I guess we’re done. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond. And sorry to everyone else who is dealing with annoying periods due to contraception! It sucks!”
“Also, his idea that periods don’t last more than a week? He knows so much about women’s bodies.” — BeefTheAlch
“I mean, come on. That is something that humans cannot control, and to get so mad when you were offered proof? You’ve seen the place it came from, dude, it ain’t that gross.” — neveradullmoment72
“Gold NTA. I would dump his ass. He literally got mad at you because you were on your period….. how much more childish can it get?” — spiritual-owl2
“I had a friend who thought we could hold it and got mad at his gf for not holding it through a weekend trip he planned. He was promptly dumped and called an idiot by all his friends.” — Lin0712
“Yup! At the end of the day, he was just annoyed that he wasn’t getting sex. No matter what OP would have said or done, he would have turned it around on her.” — NurseRatchet16
“There’s a lot here wrong with the boyfriend but what boggles my mind is that he instantly assumes she’s cheating because they haven’t done it in a week??? That alone feels like a red flag.” — PossibleCook
” Agreed NTA. Also the fact that you’ve been dating for six months and he’s accusing you of cheating is a maaaajor red flag. That dude is paranoid and rude tbh.” — wistfulxwaves 70
“Oh there’s more to it than that. He got mad at her for being on her period and refusing him sex he felt he was entitled to (btw, he’s not. Nobody ever is, and you have every right to turn him down for whatever reason) so he accused her of lying and cheating because in his mind, he knows more about menstruation than OP and her doctor, and lying and cheating are more probable scenarios than an extended and unpredictable cycle after changing birth control.
This guy’s a f—kin’ GEM, and I hope his family is oh so satisfied with the intelligent, logical and level-headed person they’ve raised him to be. Congratulations on dodging this bullet, OP, and don’t let his misogynistic family make you feel any type of way about flashing your pad to shut him up. When I was on depo (the shot) mine lasted 20 days straight and came back 10 days later. Everything about your post except the man and his family is normal, and I’m happy to hear you threw the whole man away. I was going to advise that you do so.” —about97cats
“What in the hell – after reading the edit I cannot believe he ran home and told his mom and sister about it. Everything about him screams childish. Not even touching the fact that he called you a liar and a cheater, I would consider if I wanted to date someone who was going to drag his family into every fight you have.” — myboyisapatsfan
“He got his mommy to downgrade his girlfriend. I think he can go lower. Such a sad little man.” — itsadogslife71
“I am so glad she dumped his ass. His mom is a wacko too. NTA op. Box up his stuff. Put it out the front door. Text him, tell him it is outside and he has 24 hours and it is going in the trash. Lock up. Then block him. Period.” — itsadogslife71
“Yeah, that guy can fling himself into the SUN. Even if you weren’t on your period, he’s going to have a tantrum about not getting sex whenever he wants? And then involves his whole family in it? That’s a scary mindset, especially since it’s only been about a week or so without sex.” — SugarSugarBee
What is your say on this? Do you think she did the wrong thing? Let us know in the comments below.