Step-parents and families like that have been demonized a little bit in the media, of people not being able to get along with their new parent because they’re unlike their biological parent, but that’s not always how things are. Yes, there’s sometimes friction between a child and a parent who they’re not related to by blood, but the responsibility and love between them can extend beyond blood.
That’s where Whisper comes in. An anonymous app that lets you say things without people knowing who said it, and it’s become widely used for people to share intimate secrets about themselves, their friends, and their family. It’s either because the secret they were forced to carry was too heavy, or they just needed to admit it to someone. Oftentimes, there’s a lot of shocking stuff in Whisper, but today, it’s just wholesomeness. Step parents and step children being treated with endless love.
Source: Whisper
This might seem trivial to some, but for people who are actually, consciously addicted to substances, it must be really hard to stop. But he did it anyway, and he did it out of love. They didn’t ask him to do it, but he did because he wanted his girlfriend to have the best possible boyfriend, and he wanted her son to have the best stepdad in the world. It’s just pure, wholesomeness.
It takes a lot for someone to raise someone else’s family as their own. This guy did it, and he did it so well, that it’s no longer “someone else’s family” that he’s raising. It’s his. The son doesn’t call his biological father his dad, he calls him, who stepped in after an abusive relationship to show them what a real father and a real husband was supposed to be like.
What about you? Do you have a stepparent yourself or a story similar to these? Tell us about it in the comments!