
20 Of The Tinniest Most Cutest Kittens You Will Ever See

There is no doubt about the fact that cats are one of if not the cutest creatures nature has ever graced this planet with. And they pull it off so effortlessly as if they don’t even realize they are so gorgeous and cute. You know the way we stare at cats for so long admiring how beautiful they like, I can bet they stare us back thinking this person is a weirdo, I don’t know why are they staring at my face. A cat’s beauty is one of the countless factors why cat lovers love cats so dearly and unconditionally. But it is true that no one feature can be prioritized over the other. Features and characteristics like being joyous, caring, angry, fierce, entertaining, logical, adventurous, and random are all equal to the factor of beauty. No wonder why 2.1 million cats get adopted out of the 3.2 million of those who go to the shelters each year.

Now that we have cemented the fact that every cat breed is gorgeous in its own way and in overall terms cats are the most beautiful living beings even if we talk about tiny cats or kittens, this factor of beauty gets enhanced over a hundred times. I hope you have heard of “all big bombs come in small packages”, well this perfectly applies to cats. The smaller they are, the more adorable, gorgeous, and cutest they look. It is just like how our little human babies are, they also look the most adorable when they don’t even know how to walk or talk. The only difference is we become ugly until puberty hits us and the concept of ugly does not exist in cats.

Today we are going to enjoy some pure adorableness, by looking at a compilation of pictures of tiny and cute kitties. 

Scroll down below for some wholesomeness.

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