
12 Embarrassing Times People Had No Idea Who They Were Talking To

  • By Malaika
  • September 11, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

Blabbing without thinking is never a good idea.

The Internet is filled with people who think they know better than actual specialists in the field. I mean not to start a fire, but the proof is with the flat earthers or the anti-vaxxers. However, those aren’t the only groups where ‘uneducated’ people exist. Sometimes you don’t realize who you are talking to and wanted to sound smart on the Internet.

However, before undertaking that you should think about the fact you’re comment will be on the Internet till the end of times. Although it seems many love to call out others with names such as noob and ‘kiddie’ to make themselves feel better. That doesn’t always work out though, as sometimes it backfires unto them.

Following are some of the embarrassing times people didn’t realize who they were talking to.

Source: Reddit

#1 I am not sure if he intended it to sound a bit sarcastic but it does.

#2 Before calling someone racist, do your research.

#3 I have no idea what they are talking about but what I do know is that they got owned.

#4 Well, that has to be embarrassing.

This is the result of everyone trying to be woke these days and screaming all the trendy words every chance they get from calling others racist to screaming about mansplaining.

#5 How surprising to see that, pretty people can be intelligent as well.

#6 Well, they are definitely not ‘uneducated’.

#7 If she was there for the conference, how did she not know who he was?

#8 I think this person needs to read the article before spouting off nonsense.

#9 Dave really should get back in his hiding hole.

#10 I don’t think Naomi is going to be an intern at NASA for long.

#11 How could anyone not recognize Natalie Portman?

Honestly, can people stop gatekeeping anything remotely ‘nerdy’? When did it become a trend to feel superior to be into different media? And Star Wars isn’t anything underrated or considered ‘alternative’.

#12 Guardian needs better communication it seems.

Have you ever gotten into an embarrassing situation similar to the ones below? If so why not share with us in the comments below? We promise we won’t laugh at you.

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