Halò! Ciamar a tha thu? No need to get worried, readers. We have just asked how are you in Scottish. We are not good at Scots but it is one thing that we have learned from Twitter. Thanks to Twitter for introducing us to the Scottish memes. Trust us, they are hilarious and reading them in Scots makes them more interesting. We are sure they are gonna challenge your brain and you will end up googling some of the phrases.
Scottish is a little different than English and words are pronounced differently. It’s fun to speak and hear Scottish. Well, we have to accept, it makes us laugh every time. This post by any means is not intended to hurt anyone. We love Scotland and its language and we believe Scottish people are the nicest. Here, we have some of the hilarious memes from the world of Scottish Twitter and we are sure you will enjoy them. So, scroll down if you want to laugh.
Via u/Chazmer87
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Never argue with Carly next time. She is gonna put you in place.
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We need to get some inspiration from Scottish people.
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Scottish people are not just hilarious but they are also very expressive about what they think and what they want. They would not keep it to themselves. Scots are lovely people, very welcoming and kind. They love celebrations so much that when Corona will end, they would die overdoing the celebrations. Lol. Now, you know what it’s like to be Scottish? Scroll down for more hilarious memes.
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Little did poor Smith know they were talking Scottish.
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Via u/steen311
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We hope these memes made you laugh today and uplifted your mood. Comment down below to let us know which of these memes did you find the funniest? Till then Mar sin leat! (Goodbye!)