In this tale, a frustrated homeowner finds themselves repeatedly dealing with their trashy neighbor’s refusal to properly dispose of their garbage, which results in it being tossed into the homeowner’s yard. Despite attempts to address the issue with law enforcement and the landlord, no resolution is found. Eventually, the homeowner takes matters into their own hands by purchasing the neighbor’s property and promptly serving them with an eviction notice. The neighbor is forced to vacate the premises, and the homeowner plans to demolish the house to expand their own yard. This drastic action resolves the ongoing nuisance caused by the irresponsible neighbor, ensuring peace of mind for the homeowner in the future.
So keep on scrolling down below to read the whole story narrated by OP and make sure to read it till the end otherwise, you won’t be able to let us know if OP is an A-hole or not.
1. OP’s neighbor was throwing away their trash in OP’s yard let’s see what happened next.
2. OP’s ex-neighbor was quite messy they used to throw their trash in OP’s yard moreover, OP told the neighbor was 9 months pregnant with a cigarette hanging in her mouth. Neither they did care about the trash bag although the truck drove past them.
3. She used to buy normal trash bags at the dollar stores and have her 8-year-old child toss them over into OP’s yard.
4. When OP confronted her she just laughed so OP called the cops and when she told the incident dops said the kid was young and there was no evidence that his parents told him to do it.
5. This went on for 4 months and OP was wrapping their trash in a purple bag and even paying for it, OP’s hatred towards her escalated.
6. OP had the best strategy so she decided to buy the house she was living in and she made an offer to their landlord that they couldn’t deny.
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