We should respect our significant other’s boundaries and personal space. If they are not comfortable with something, we should quit doing it. Consent is essential. Do not make fun of your partner’s disabilities. That includes people who wear glasses. They can’t see without their glasses, if you take away someone’s glasses, it’s the same as taking away someone’s wheelchair. See how that makes you a jerk?
Reddit user u/zoroanarchist asked for some serious relationship advice. His girlfriend keeps taking off his glasses without his consent and he is sick of it. Read his story down below:
Girlfriend keeps taking my glasses pic.twitter.com/DPYhiSxN1C
— relationships.txt (@redditships) March 1, 2020
Here is basically what happened.
You tried to enforce a boundary and she escalated to breaking something that is critical for you to function!
This will happen every time you have a boundary she doesn’t like.
Run! pic.twitter.com/ZrMOfglKoR
— Esis (@Esistenza) March 1, 2020
Do you have any advice for him? Do you think their relationship can be saved? Let us know in the comments below!