So, you think keeping a pet would be nice and you wish to adopt a dog? Well, that’s a great idea until you give life with pets a second thought. Life with pets has its very own pros and cons. Dogs are doubtlessly an exceptional pet to have. There is almost never a dull moment with a dog. They are playful and protective. The most loyal and affectionate animal to have as a pet. Not only do they care for their own, but they are also a helping hand when their owners need one.
On the other hand, if you are someone who is a clean freak just like Monica Geller and you like to keep your apartment not just clean, but Monica clean, then getting a dog may not be your cup of tea. Dogs are fluffy and full of fur. They keep shedding hair everywhere they sit and it can be a tough job cleaning after them. Dogs are always on an adventure. They would explore all your cupboards and rip apart everything in their way. When it comes to enjoying your meal all by yourself? Well, that is now a different story. Your dog would proudly accompany you and never let you eat alone. This is just how life with a dog is and to give you a little glimpse of a dog owner’s life an artist John has illustrated some beautiful yet greatly meaningful illustrations. Scroll down for a sneak peek into the life of John and his golden retriever Maimai.
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Pets are much more intelligent than we think. They are well aware of how to gain attention and love. Even those who don’t like pets, especially cats and dog, end up loving them. Cats and dogs act cute and get their way. Even if they make a great mess or break something expensive, no one can stay mad at them for long. As we can see in John’s illustrations, his pet retriever Maimai has made his way into the hearts of his parents. John refers to Maimai as “the cutest little furry evil” and certainly Maimai is. According to John, “All I can think of after work is to go home knowing Maimai is waiting for me, feels great and sweet.”
Life with pets is not easy we know, but it’s still beautiful. From the moment a dog sets its paws in our homes, we are certain that we are about to make some precious memories that would stay with us forever. Let us know how life with your dog is in the comments below. Also, share this with other dog owners and dog owners to be.