
Husband Gets Mad At His Wife For Separating Their Toddler From Their Dog Every Now And Then

  • By Sana
  • December 3, 2022
  • 4 minutes read
Husband Gets Mad At His Wife For Separating Their Toddler From Their Dog Every Now And Then

Dogs and kids may get along really well but sometimes it can lead to unwanted scenarios.

Having a dog in the family can be a blessing but not every time. When you have toddlers in the family, you should be very careful. Dogs love babies but you never know, when your dog shows its dangerous side. Dogs can get aggressive out of the blue and you can never predict their mood. Kids might be playing with their floof and they would get aggressive at your babies. So, parents should be careful; when their kids are around dogs. A Reddit user shared that she cannot risk leaving her toddler alone with their dog. One day, OP had to shower so she set the dog in an area. When her husband saw this, he got angry with his wife and he thinks that cats can be aggressive but dogs cannot harm babies. Scroll down for the complete story.

1. OP and her husband have a 4-year-old toddler and an 8 month-old-puppy. Toddler and dog are always around each other but OP does not like leaving her toddler alone with the puppy.

Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

2. OP set an area for the puppy while she had to shower. Her husband got angry when he saw the dog and asked OP about it. OP’s husband thinks that she is just feeding fearmongering.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

3. OP was never comfortable leaving her baby with her husband’s previous dog but her husband would always argue. He thinks his dogs cannot harm the baby.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

4. OP makes sure the pup is safe and content. She does not think she is wrong.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

5. OP thinks that she is unsure if she is overreacting or if she has a good reason to keep the dog and the toddler separated.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

6. Toddlers do not know the dos and don’ts with dogs and dogs may react if they do something.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

7. Puppies may get excited while playing with the babies and they may end up hurting the baby.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

8. Tragic consequences can happen, do you want to risk your baby?

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It is better to be careful than to regret it later. Both the toddler’s and dog’s safety is important and OP did the right thing to keep both of them separate while there was no one to supervise them because no one wants to deal with unwanted accidents.

9. Some animals may not be aggressive but they can get aggressive anytime.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

10. No matter how old your pet is, never leave them alone with your toddlers.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

11. It is good for both the dog and the child that an adult should be present with them.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

12. OP is responsible but her husband is not.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

13. OP is a responsible dog owner and parent.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

14. Kids and pets are unpredictable.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

15. Pets and kids both should be supervised.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

16. A family lost their kids after being mauled by their pets.

Via: Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

What do you think about it? Would you leave your toddlers alone with your pets? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below!

Enjoy this adorable cat tax:

Via: u/chitownadmin

“She demands that I carry her around.”

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