Never give up the chance to make people laugh. The world is already so bitter, it needs to lighten up a bit. Wi-Fi names aren’t anything special, but if I see a funny one, it makes my day. Little things like that actually matter.
AskReddit users were asked to share the most hilarious names they’ve come across, and the list is pretty funny. Scroll down below to see them:
Hotspot named “I got you” with no password.
Rebellious Amish Family
Lol after 8 years my highest voted comment is my Wi-Fi name. Which i stole from Reddit the last time this thread was made.
This is the way.
My guest network is named “Very Free WiFi No Viruses”.
Mine is named “Apt47ShowerCam”. I’m in apartment 46.
I was at Disneyland resort with my family, and when we were in the parking lot, I looked at the WiFi names and one of them said “34 dollars 4 a f**king waffle’
Was in a McDonald’s and there was the normal McDonald’s WiFi and then there was one that said “McDonald’s makes you fat bitch”
“We can’t keep doing this Susan.”
“The Promised LAN.”
Ours is called “No Internet Access” and “5G Network Unavailable”. I confuse myself with it every now and then.
Marty McWiFi is one I’ve seen in my neighborhood.
Holy mother of hell.
My grandmother didn’t have wifi and just bought a Iphone (she’s about 72) so, me being the good child I am,I helped her set her wifi up,I asked her simply ‘What would you like your password to be?’ She replied with this….’I’m going to die soon 123’
To this day when I go over,I can still see it on the refrigerator ‘Wifi password;I’m going to die soon 123’.
Our neighbor has one that’s “Stay-Off-Asshole.” Which, y’know, sure. But they also have a second, unsecured one: “Stay-Off-Asshole (guest).” I still laugh when I see that.
My neighbours have this… They’re mother and daughter 🤔.
Drop it like it’s hotspot.
These names are so hilarious and creative, I’m jealous of the brains that made them up. What about you? What’s your Wi-Fi name? Do you have any funny names to share? Let us know in the comments below!