Just because they own a house, they act like they own the people living in them too. And that they can do whatever they want to them without the renters saying a peep about it. Sadly many people abide by this as well, too scared to be kicked out or whatnot. However, some know the law and are aware that some things are just not right.
That is exactly what happened in this situation. You see, when a guy moved into a new house, he thought all of the problems would be fixed before he moved in. However none of them were and the property was dilapidated, to say the least. So rather than staying silent about it, he talked to the owner.
Let’s just say the owner was not very helpful which led this guy to form a plan of his own. Take a look below at what he did next.
Source: Reddit
I wonder why the people living their prior pulled a number on him. –wilhelm-cruel
This is exactly what happened in my current house and should have been the biggest sign of trouble ahead. Oh well, you live you learn. –Diggdydog
That’s a sure sign of two things at once.
The former tenant is a piece of sh*t. This is the majority of what’s wrong.
The landlord is terrible and never fixes anything. I’ve had bad landlords, and your hate for them eventually clouds your judgement. –Koker93
What do you think of this story? Do you think the landlord had it coming? What would you do in this situation Comment down below and let us know?