You can not go through high school without facing drama. There are bullies, there are kids classified into groups, and everyone is just mean to each other. Even the teachers are more strict than they need to be. You’ll learn that when you get to college. In high school, everyone is conservative and judgemental.
However, what do you do when an old high school bully hits you up after some time? Especially if they are contacting you to get something from you. This girl on Reddit shared a conversation she had with an old school mate, who called her slurs, after a long time, and it is exactly what you would expect.
Read the conversation down below:
“A high school acquaintance hit me up asking for earrings. the last time we spoke, she was absolutely off the shits and called me slurs so I don’t know what she was expecting.”
So just to be clear, the girl was homophobic as she called her a lesbian as an insult. She was also trying to achieve something by calling her Jewish, as if that is a bad thing? This is wrong on so many levels.
It is not okay to use “I was high” as an excuse to do mean things to others and to run away from accountability. If you do something wrong, own up to your mistakes and apologise properly. Be mature about it instead of making excuses.
What is your opinion on this? Let us know in the comments below!