They can give you the impression that they’d take a bullet for you, and yet they will stab you in the back the moment anything goes against their expectations. In short, you can’t blindly trust people. Ever. Though circumstances vary and it all depends on the given situation, what we are completely certain about is that you cannot trust the “nice guys.”
Take heed that not all “nice guys” are bad, but the ones that claim so themselves. We have seen countless times how manipulative guys are who claim to be nice. If we think about it, isn’t it obvious? If someone is actually good would he ever say that he’s good? No. His actions will speak for him. So, if you ever encounter anyone claiming they are good at heart, there’s a big chance they’re lying.
Take the example of this girl for clarity. When she decided to break up with her boyfriend, he got furious and started threatening her. Scroll on below and read the screenshots.
I (19F) Broke Up With My Boyfriend (25M) Of 2 Months Only To Find Out He Was A “Nice Guy.” Bullet Dodged. The last bit of our text conversation and a post he made on Instagram a couple days later
Here’s how people responded to the whole thread.
Have you ever encountered such a person? Share your thoughts below.