Life is like a roller-coaster, one minute you’re down and the next minute you’re all the way up. Time flies quicker than we think. It just seems like yesterday when we were kids wondering how exciting life would be when we get old. Now, here we are! All 90’s kids are above the age of 20 right now. Unbelievable, right?
But this change was inevitable. This was bound to happen one day whether we liked it or not. But, here’s the thing. The general perception is that people get ‘old’ and ‘rusty’ when they become parents. I mean, this isn’t entirely wrong, parenting is quite stressful and it does drain your energy. Still, however, it doesn’t mean our folks are no longer as sharp or witty as they were in their youth. Believe me, they still have it in them.
As kids or maybe as teenagers, when we were going through our “phases,” we might have found ourselves arguing and fighting with our parents. Sometimes, we’d even yell at them saying “you don’t get it” or that “you’re too old to understand,” but, at the time, we probably didn’t realise that they had more years of life experience than the total years of our age. Trust me, our parents could have roasted us at every stage if they wanted to. They probably still can, but maybe choose not to.
To show you what we mean, we have compiled some of the most hilarious tweets from parents to show you that they still have it in them!
Scroll on below and enjoy.
It’s easy to think that a person older than you is probably not as quick-witted or smooth as you. But, that’s not true. They have clearly seen more life than we have. They just choose not to show off and instead act maturely. However, sometimes, you just gotta let people know who you are. That’s exactly what these parents are doing in these tweets.
So, can you relate to these tweets? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.