Who knew that unpacking dollar 35 worth of Victoria Secret gear would be such a big deal for this seller. This poor Facebook seller thought that she had a potential customer but things folded differently. The cheap college student basically said that she would rather go out with her friends than pick up the clothes right after asking for the payment plan. We all know that it is quite tough to pay while you are studying, things can be quite difficult to manage. Luckily the seller seemed to agree with the offer and said sarcastically to provide her the college princess clothing for free. Unfortunately a lot of stupid people don’t understand sarcasm and things palm off from there. Here we have collected some photos of the conversation between them. Take a look at this conversation and see for yourself how the seller trolls her real hard. Don’t forget to watch it till the end.
Well this has been a long hilarious conversation between them. There are a lot of stupid people like her online and it’s a total wastage of time to argue with them. Keep on scrolling this gets more exciting.
This has been a real show. This lady was a troll herself. How can someone be soo stupid? That they think somebody is gonna give them soo much advantages. Well she has been total stupid and a lot of person would be wondering who that stupid bae was. I am sure he was also a stupid person. Are you looking for a cool college dress too? Feel free to find some seller on Facebook but please don’t be stupid like her. Let us know what do you think about this post. Do you find her stupid and meaningless too? Comment your thoughts in the comment section below. Don’t forget to like and share. Stay tuned for more content